Do you think Fluther members get chased away with the mods' endless quest for perfection in writing standards?
Asked by
June 30th, 2021
Even in social where there are relaxed guidelines.
I have had questions pulled just because they don’t like the way they are phrased.
Heaven forbid if you don’t space a comma.
Sometimes I wonder if they do this, pull a question by the time it’s edited and they grade it it’s so far down the page people don’t see it, or skip it, is that done on purpose?
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NO !
The mods keep the site relevant, but that is my opinion.
I don’t think there are so many new members with problems with their perfection with writing standards that they would get “chased away.”
On another thread someone mentioned that newbies probably ask their question and don’t come back, or something to that effect.
From (with the most relevant passages in bold italics):
The Guidelines: Social Section
The Social Section of Fluther has relaxed guidelines for responding. Answerers are encouraged to express their opinions and flex their sense of humor. Social works best when you want to learn about people; hypothetical questions work well here.
Responses must:
• Relate to the discussion
• Be respectful; you can disagree without being disagreeable
• Adhere to the writing standards
Responses must not:
• Disrupt the discussion
Although a wider spectrum of activity is allowable in this section, quality responses are still required. It’s equally moderated, just with more relaxed regulations.
Try to be intelligent, creative and helpful!
I came back to Fluther after two hospital stays just to answer your question about the heat wave in Canada—but later, I could not find it.
Is that what has been pulled?
In any case, I see it now.
What was pulled for writing standards that you asked this question about?
Has it happened? Of course!! Could you prove it in court? Or might you contest a mod decision with any hope of altering an omniscient divine verdict? To quote Randy Newman: “You know, we got 2 Italians and a brother on the Supreme Court now. But I defy you to find 2 Italians as tight assed as the ones we got. And as for the brother? Well Pluto’s not a planet any more either”.
Oh for pete sake.
Who hasn’t been modded? The mods are the backbone of this place. The day they get disgusted and quit, we’re finished.
You sure do get a bee in your bonnet and hold on to it @SQUEEKY2 . You brought this up elsewhere recently. I don’t agree. As I said there, the mods are upholding the founders’ standards for the site. If they pull something for editing, just make the correction and it will come back up. And just because it’s in Social doesn’t mean there are no writing standards.
And I’ve noticed they are a little more lax with newbies who may be asking an important question for them. As @kritiper said, often newbies come just to ask one question.
Well no, I don’t think so, and as an example I cite the case of @SQUEEKY2, who often asks questions of exactly this type, and complains quite often about this very thing, and is still here.
Of course the mods are necessary. But they are also easy targets, p like ducks in a bathtub.
I’m grateful we have writing standards on this site. There is a lot of garbage on the internet. This site is an exception.
I’ve had serious disagreements with moderation here in the past when they’ve allowed hate speech to remain unchecked, but I’m glad we have mods with teeth.
Cant say. My eye sight is crap these days, and I make a lot of typo goofs. Then try to go back in and make corrections, usually to late. My stuff rarely gets modded. Although it should be.
No. I have way way too many typos and the mods often leave it alone. I wish they would correct more often. Not delete, but correct. The only times I see mods deleting for typos is on the initial Q, not so much on answers.
I think we can tell when someone is not a native English speaker and is genuine in their question and answers and I think the mods should help them write Q’s if necessary.
If a newbie leaves because of spelling or grammar corrections, then they better be ready to get a thicker skin on other sites. It won’t be their spelling or grammar being attacked, it will be them personally.
Ditto@chyna Go to Y!A and they’ll be an empty she’ll of the poster they once were ; )
Actually I found Fluther by a comment on AnswerBag, in 2009, calling them “grammar Nazi’s”. I stayed. I’m using Fluther to improve my writing skills, And Fluthering is as close to my Ikigai as I can get, also to socialize at the watering hole.
I’m a complete idiot when it comes to spelling and grammar, and I have absolutely no issue with getting constructive feedback when my writing is unclear.
There have been questions asked on Fluther that have been really difficult to understand. In those cases, I believe mods have been critical in keeping posts from being incomprehensible. I don’t see anything approaching “perfection” here, and I don’t think the mods have this as a goal.
I’ve had to edit a few and English was always one of my best subjects, and I’m a voracious reader but I’m also very busy and my brain sometimes is quicker than my fingers.
Maybe just take your time writing them and double-check before submitting.
They don’t seem overbearing to me at all.
It does say to check your work, then post. I sometimes get it bass ackwards, post and then check my work. Not good.
Not really. I’m grateful for the hard work, time and effort the mods put into keeping this site a decent place to ask, answer and discuss questions. I can recall a specific instance where a new user got nasty about the writing standards a while back, but I don’t think she was going to stick around anyways.
i nevur get moded cuz i rite reeel gud
Anyone capable of being “chased away” from here, for whatever reason, needs to give their over sensitive heads a wobble.
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Given the number of mistakes I’ve seen not get corrected, and how difficult some questions have been to make sense of, I would not characterize the Mods’ standards as an “endless quest for perfection in writing standards”. Nowhere close.
I may just not be aware how many questions have been pulled for editing. Not being a moderator, and not having experienced my questions or posts being pulled very often at all, it’s hard to say.
And maybe I’ve been fortunate, but I also frequently notice I’ve made typos in my posts, and I don’t know that I’ve ever had any of my posts rejected for writing problems.
The most posts I’ve lost have been when I reply to a question that has dire logic problems, and then the whole question got removed.
If/when I have been curious what’s going on with the mods, I’ve used the “Contact the Mods” button, and always got pretty clear explanations from them (up to the limits of Fluther policy on what mods should reveal to each other about other users).
Personally, I have never had a question taken down or not posted by the mods even though English is not my native language.
In my opinion, there is no perfection in writing standards. There is always controversy as to how to interpret certain rules, and there are different approaches and variations of the language with different use of rules and lexicon (UK, Australia, Canada, US dialects). Add the element of style to the mix and you will have anything but a benchmark for perfection.
It seems futile and useless, to expect “perfection” in an environment like this. This is not an academic site, not everybody has various degrees, and some people do not like grammar—just like some of us don’t like math. So, it is preposterous to think that people who are not teachers or academics, and left school years ago, would remember what adverbs, clauses, or run-on sentences are.
I believe that it does more harm than good, because it can put people off participating and getting the help they need. In my experience, even in my native language, when I write papers for school, it takes me an enormous amount of time to write a “flawless” piece, double that if I am writing in English. So, when someone wants to share a problem and get support here, they probably don’t have time to check all the grammar rules or whatever, and just give up. So, yes, the strict writing standards can be off-putting, even though as a language teacher that is my area of expertise.
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