^^The antivaxxers (I’m not calling you one) are purposely twisting the words of previous studies and what was done regarding the covid19 vaccination development. You aren’t reading the full verbiage regarding previous trials for mRNA just edited pieces.
Here’s a link https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN2A22UW
If you think it was an irresponsible risk for the researchers to use human volunteers simultaneously while doing animal trials is an opinion I won’t try to argue with, but at this point the fact is animal studies did occur and so did all phases of human trials. At this point millions have taken the vaccine, the original people in trials well over a year ago.
Human studies are the most important. Much more important than animal studies. There is no animal that reacts in all ways exactly as humans do. Animal studies often involve much much larger doses to observe possible negative side effects. People in initial studies also had higher doses and lower doses than what was finally approved. They are being observed over time.
J&J was paused in some states while they researched the blood clots. You should be happy about that. That’s what is supposed to happen, reports come in and the FDA investigates and makes a determination to either pull the drug or put warnings for contraindications.
The world learned a big lesson with thalidomide.
Just ten years ago probably 90% of lay people did not know about reporting side effects to the FDA they left it up to doctors and they too often did not report. Up until 6 months ago I think most people had never heard of VAERS form, but that as long as I can remember has been the way to report vaccine reactions and anyone could report you did not have to be a doctor. With these vaccines the United States government has specifically informed the average American to report and how. Why doesn’t that impress you?
I’m guessing it will never be “long term” enough for you. That’s fine. I know there are other people initially reluctant who know feel ok getting the shot.
@Mazingerz88 People do change their mind. One of my best friends was afraid because of previous anaphylactic reaction to something else and her husband is a Trumper so he sees all the negative information. Her sisters told her to get her mom vaccinated who lives with her. I told her where she could get the vaccine with EMS on sight. Once her mom and she were vaccinated her husband went ahead and got the shot too.
Now, @KNOWITALL is saying some people might be changing their mind where she lives.
I continue to say be understanding with these people who are reluctant and just keep trying to overcome their objections. One thing that worked on the side of hope with the friend I talked about was she always took COVID very seriously. Her husband not so much, he said things like, “I don’t even know anyone who had it,” and other things commonly said. He still got the shot when his wife made the appointment for him.