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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Other than Jesus who else is known to heal the sick and raise the dead?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25076points) July 5th, 2021

I think Peter or Paul was able to perform miracles? Including Peter/Paul who could perform miracles, and what miracles did they perform?

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14 Answers

filmfann's avatar

In Acts 20 Paul raised a man from the dead, or I should say God raised him through Paul.

ragingloli's avatar

The Greek hero Asclepius had the power to resurrect the dead.
For this, Zeus killed him, then later resurrected and turned him into a god.

kneesox's avatar

By “is known” do you mean in real, factual reality? or myth and legend?

ragingloli's avatar

Apart from actual doctors, it is all myth and legend.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@kneesox Mainly, but not limited to, Christian lore. For example, who was the last Roman Catholic pope to perform miracles?

elbanditoroso's avatar

This doesn’t really answer the question, but when I was a child I noticed that within a block or two of every hospital – sometimes even next door – was a funeral home. (This was before the days of the massive chain hospitals and chain funeral homes).

I always though it was odd that there was such close proximity between the two.

Zaku's avatar

Apollonius of Tyana
Emperor Vespasian
Rabbi Honi the circle-drawer
Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa
lots of faith healers
lots of other people

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It has been known to happen in India.

kneesox's avatar

@ragingloli yes, I know. I was asking RDG to clarify his question.

JLeslie's avatar

Voodoo Priestess

stanleybmanly's avatar

Dr. John (the night tripper)

KNOWITALL's avatar


Raising from the dead
There are three explicit examples in the Hebrew Bible of people being resurrected from the dead: The prophet Elijah prays and God raises a young boy from death (1 Kings 17:17–24) Elisha raises the son of the Woman of Shunem (2 Kings 4:32–37) whose birth he previously foretold (2 Kings 4:8–16)

Biblical miracles: Many miracles were performed by the apostles (2:43). Peter healed the lame man at the Temple (3:7–11). God answered Peter in a miraculous earthquake (4:31). Ananias and Sapphira were slain by the Lord (5:5–10). Signs and wonders continued to be done by the apostles (5:12). Peter healed many from various cities (5:12–16). The prison doors were opened by an angel (5:19). Stephen wrought great wonders and signs (6:8). In Samaria, Philip did great miracles and signs (8:6,7,13).

Of course there are non-biblical miracles too, as performed by Saints and others.

Zaku's avatar

Allah can answer prayers for healing. But Islam would consider it a false claim of one’s own powers, for someone to claim miraculous healing powers, or even that one’s own prayers for healing were answered.

gondwanalon's avatar

According to early Spanish explorers in Peru the Inca worshipped a deity called Kon Tiki Viracocha (among other names).

Basically Kon Tiki Viracocha was a bearded white man (Inca men couldn’t grow good beards) dressed in white robe, carried a staff and a book. He created everything and wondered the Earth disguised as a beggar teaching good will and working many miracles.

Reminds me of Jesus. Could be that the Spanish distorted the legend a bit. HA!

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