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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Can being on birth control mess up the results of a pregnancy test?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13525points) July 5th, 2021

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10 Answers

JLeslie's avatar


Pregnancy tests test for your HCG levels which has nothing to do with birth control, but if you think you might be pregnant it would be important to stop taking the pills if you would want to keep the pregnancy.

The most reliable test would be a blood test which will detect lower levels of HCG than a pee on a stick test.

Are you late getting your period?

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

No i have been on birth control for almost a month, but was unprotected once. So I wonder if I should stop it and take a test or take the BC for 5 more days and see if I get my period.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I only have mood swings coming back and I woke up really sick and puked once but I don’t know if that means anything.

JLeslie's avatar

You were protected if you were on birth control. Maybe I’m not understanding.

Did you start the pills on a Sunday? Or, how did you start your pills that you are concerned about this month? Besides the nausea.

Edit: the urine pregnancy test might work if you’re pregnant, but it’s really likely you get a false negative even if you are pregnant, because the pregnancy would be too new. Your HCG is likely below 20 still if you are pregnant.

Maybe call your doctor tomorrow and ask what to do. I think mostly likely you can stop if you are concerned and then start the pills again in a month. I’d ask the doctor.

I never waited when I started the pill. I assumed I was protected from day one.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I had unprotected sex once with out being on the pill.

You are supposed to wait a full week after starting when you miss a pill. I had been missing for 2 weeks because I ran out and needed them in the mail

JLeslie's avatar

Oh. That’s a different story.

Let’s see if I understand.
You didn’t take pills for two weeks and during those two weeks you had sex. Is that right? Sex somewhere between day 10 and 14?

And, then what did you do? You just started taking pills as soon as you received them? Instead of waiting the full cycle?

I don’t see what a week has to do with missing a pill. Either you prevent the egg from dropping or you don’t in that month.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yeah you got it right. I took them right as I got them again.

I don’t know, My doctor said if you miss more than 2 days you need to wait a full week to be fully protected again

JLeslie's avatar

2 weeks with no pills means you very likely ovulated. Most women ovulate somewhere between day 10 and 16. How long is your cycle when you don’t take pills, 28 days?

What day of your cycle did you have sex?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I don’t know the answer to any of those questions.

IIRC, right after my period stopping.

JLeslie's avatar

Most likely you didn’t get pregnant if you had sex right after your period stopping, but it’s not impossible. Is your period 4 days or 7? If it’s 4 days almost impossible. If it’s 7 days more of a possibility.

Ovulation usually happens 14 days BEFORE your period so the length of your typical cycle helps you know when you’re fertile.

It’s not like you stop your pills and you suddenly ovulate the next day. You stop pills and that allows your cycle to start up again.

If you buy a pregnancy test and it’s positive you are pregnant. False positive is extremely rare. If it’s negative you will need to test again if you don’t get your period.

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