Just MHO, you understand, but I believe you are attempting to “understand” girls/women/females, and I think, respectfully, that you are taking on an impossible task, because they weren’t created for men to understand/comprehend in the first place, and if they could be understood, then they wouldn’t hold that special place in our hearts/minds/lives that they do.
And, also respectfully, if any guy could figure them out, they wouldn’t be the special sentient beings that they are.
There are many things in this Universe that human males were not meant to know, such as, what would happen when an irresistible force, meets an immovable object? Or, why ain’t there anything in holes? Or, did Gawd have a “beginning,” and if S/He did, the who or what caused THAT?
Besides, women/females/girls were not created to be understood; they were created to be loved, admired, cherished, spoiled rotten, pampered and even worshipped, on occasion.
Also, keep in mind, please, that any man who succeeds in actually understanding them, has to be killed by them, before he can tell other guys what he has learned.
It’s just the way things are, and I don’t trouble my brain with such matters; I accept them as they are, and enjoy them, every chance I get. (Sometimes, two at a time. With whips and chains.)
Batteries are extra.