How do you feel now that Yahoo!Answer is shut down?
I should have asked this earlier when they announced the closure.
How do you feel about it? Personally I don’t feel anything. Yahoo!Answer to me was more like a place to troll than to get answers, despite the name. My experience with Y!A was horrible, and I was shocked and appalled that I got nothing from that site, even though it was often referred to as a popular site for questions and answers. That site was even worse than websites that are deemed “problematic” by many people like Reddit. People talk about missing the site, but I just can’t feel it. Maybe I’m disappointed that there would be no more weird funny questions to get a laugh at when I have nothing to do, but aside from that, I just don’t care.
To people who registered here when Y!A shut down: I know Y!A might mean something to you, and I’ve seen people talk about how the website was useful for them, and I’m not dismissing that. This is just my personal opinion about the website and it has nothing to do with your own experience.
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18 Answers
I have never used it.
Therefore I have no feelings about it.
Ditto. I never even knew it had shut down
Doesn’t hurt my feelings a bit. I never posted on anything but religion and politics over there anyway, and in my experience it was a pretty radical place, posters always getting butt hurt and starting up with the name calling and trashing other posters. That’s how I discovered Fluther actually. I went to Y!A when another site I used to frequent went defunct. A friend of mine from that site, who was a member here and who was fed up with Yahoo as well, tipped me to this site. I’ve been here off and on ever since. I know some people did enjoy Y!A and I’m sorry for them. It just wasn’t doing it for me. Looks like you must feel the same way.
You didn’t miss anything. Too many keyboard commandos over there talking smack and making threats, while they hide behind their anonymity on their little computers. Bring it Billy Bad Ass. What? Crickets chirping. Thought so. LOL Got pretty wild at times over there. But Religion and poltics can be a volatile subject anyway, sooooo. RIP Y!A
I know some people who used Yahoo!Answer to search up schoolwork answers really miss it, but I personally have never used Yahoo!Answer, so I don’t really feel anything about it.
I found it frustratingly stupid.
No one seemed to understand what a “source” was. I used to give links to actual peer-reviewed papers, but of course, the answer that best fit the questioner’s prejudices always got the “top answer”.
I also had a response with some pretty mild and measured criticism of Israel deleted within minutes.
@Kropotkin Well said buddy. I feel ya man. I understand completely where you’re coming from.
It wasn’t my thing, I actually liked Reddit more.
@Kropotkin even compared to Fluther, which sometimes doesn’t require links every time you answer a question, it still didn’t measure up. Straight-up bullshit answers got approved like it was nothing.
Sometimes I wonder if Y!A was secretly a more public 4chan…
I feel glad I didn’t invest time and energy in participating on YahooAnswers.
It does not seem like a big loss. There was virtually no moderation so the real answers were buried by troll bile.
I never used it, nor ever saw it.
I was with YA since the beta testing, for many years, the number one answer person in the craft section for a long time until trolls and jokesters took over. I was recognized by the management as well as users around the world for my useful answers, but I left that behind when I joined Fluther in 2009.
@YARNLADY as you are one of the very few people who has insight into the inner working of the site, what do you think is the reason why trolls were so numerous on the site? I’m always curious about how trolls that would be banned in every other site could thrive there.
And also was your username something along the line of Yarnlady? :D
In the beginning, YA had monitors to keep the system clean, but it became too expensive as more and more trolls joined, and eventually took over so they automated to try to keep the swearing out and gave up on the rest.
Yes, I was Yarnlady.then and now.
It matters an iota more to me now that I saw this but that will live on.
I liked it when it started out the first few years or so. But after the format changed and all the trolls and people asking the same things over and over again, I lost interest. The good thing is I met 3 online friends there. and even though it’s gone, we are still in touch.
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