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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What bad habits are you successfully controling?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25187points) July 7th, 2021

For example.

I haven’t Q-tiped my ears in two months
I have not had a pop in 2 months.
I have drastically reduced my ordering out.

How about you?

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15 Answers

anniereborn's avatar

Eating sweets more than once a week.

zenvelo's avatar

I haven’t had a drink of alcohol in 35 years. I haven’t smoked a cigarette in 33 years.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I know a woman who was a nun and she left the order and got married to a nice guy.

She kicked the habit habit.

Strauss's avatar


FnuLnu's avatar

Successfully dealing with the biscuits addiction! (...because we aren’t buying any)
And I’m being less prone to bite my nails.
I’m also barely using the computer if at all, but that’s kinda relative.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I used to drink way too much. But that has stopped, just a brew now and then when I’m cooking out it the yard. But my wife gets all credit for that, not me. Gotten to where I don’t even care for the taste of beer that much any more. And all off my old drinking buddies have long since been run off. By her. LOL

Inspired_2write's avatar

Stopped eating out of course because of the pandemic closedown and saved money to pay down my credit card debt each month more and more.

Because of the closedown I realized that I can live comfortably without purchasing clothes ,hair products, Hair salons that charged way too much ( I did it myself until I stopped dying my hair altogether. ( gray power!).
Only paid the salon twice to get started on gradually growing out my hair without looking like it, as she blende it in better.

lastexit's avatar

Cut way back on my sugar intake. I’m down to less than seven grams a day. Trying to do the same with salt, but I think I’m hopelessly addicted.

canidmajor's avatar

I quit smoking 10 years ago, still not smoking. I’m kind of fond of my other bad habits, they’re pretty good company. I think I’ll keep them around and call them “coping mechanisms”.

lastexit's avatar

^^ I have a few bad habits I’m okay with and I’ve decided just to own them.

flutherother's avatar

Only the ones I admit to.

LostInParadise's avatar

I have cut back on sweets. What is interesting is that some things that I used to be able to eat are now way too sweet.

cookieman's avatar

I don’t know about ‘controlling’ them so much as actively outgrowing them.

I stopped biting my nails twenty years ago. Gave up soda in 1994. Haven’t had a drink in over fifteen years and barely drank before that. Only tried cigarettes and weed once each. Never took other drugs. I won’t even take prescription pain killers and stick with Tylenol. Gave up pasta and stopped putting sweetener in coffee in 2016. Rarely touch ice cream or candy.

My only active vice is some baked goods. Cookies (‘natch), biscuits.

I am really boring.

mazingerz88's avatar

Buying collectible statues, figures and toys. I think I have it under control. I. Think.

smudges's avatar

Haven’t had alcohol in 18 years, a cigarette in 6, eating out a lot less since I moved in November 2020.

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