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elbanditoroso's avatar

[potentially NSFW but really scientific] How much semen does a man produce in a lifetime?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33704points) July 11th, 2021

Assume that the male hit puberty at age 13 and died at age 85.

Adding it all together, more than a half gallon? A gallon?

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16 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

I believe that is a question equivalent to how much muscle is on a man. My bet is that the answer to both is: it depends on how much “exercise” the man devotes to either.

jellyjellyjelly's avatar

1–5 mL per ejaculation. Let’s estimate 1 ejaculation / day on average (some days will be zero, some days will be more than one, but maybe they average out.)

72 years x 365 days x 1 daily ejaculation = 26,280 lifetime ejaculations

So 26,280 to 131,400 mL total, or between 7 and 35 gallons.

ragingloli's avatar

I think that depends on how often a man does the deed, since, while sperm cells are produced at a constant rate, the fluid is only made during the act.
I know that in Hentai, you could probably fill a pool with a years worth of the stuff.

kritiper's avatar

I’ve heard it said that a typical man produces one ounce of fluid per ejaculation, Now assume, on average, one ejaculation every three days, or 120 per year., for 72 years. 8640 divided by 128 = 67.5 gallons.

JLoon's avatar

It’s all about potential – But I have faith.

Assuming that an average guy is highly motivated, and with the ideal partner(s), fucking or masturbating steadily 4 to 5 times per week over a period period of 50 years, the splooge product could easily approach 14 to 15 gallons, or about 56.8 liters.

So get busy. I’m pulling for you.

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jca2's avatar

@kritiper: One ounce per ejaculation seems like a lot, no? Maybe more like a tablespoon.

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kritiper's avatar

@jca2 I agree. But that was the amount some so-called expert came up with. Divided by 4 gives you 16.875 gallons.

Smashley's avatar

I recall this as a bar trivia question. My estimate was off from whatever “official” number was used, by a factor of 100. It’s really all about what you decide an average amount of ejaculate per release is. We’ve got people here assuming ranges from 1 to 30 ml.

Clearly the only solution is to start a scientific inquiry of our own. I suggest all ejaculators here save what they make for a year, (keep it covered and in the fridge to reduce evaporation), and we’ll compare data in 12 months.

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