Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why don't advertisers live up to their promises?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) July 17th, 2021


I had an email from a company that has been trying to sell me some sort of insurance. I hit the SPAM button and the messages get deleted. I have been doing that for 4–5 months. Last month their message said “This your LAST CHANCE to buy this insurance”. I naively though that they wouldn’t email again.

Wrong. Another message today. Same people. Same message – LAST CHANCE…

Why don’t they do what they say. If it’s the last chance, then just go away!

Are advertisers ever trustworthy?

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8 Answers

snowberry's avatar

No. It costs them NOTHING to keep emailing you (harassing you).

stanleybmanly's avatar

I mean do you actually believe advertising is about spreading the truth?

cookieman's avatar

Advertising is about making money by selling a thing, idea, or service. If telling the truth makes more money, they’ll do that. If lying makes more money, they’ll do that too. Whichever parts you with your cabbage.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

As the wise guy once said, Buyer Beware.

flutherother's avatar

To parody Chief Red Cloud:
They made us many promises, more than I can remember. But they kept but one—They promised to take our money…and they took it.

Zaku's avatar

They’re lying sleaze-bags who will say anything to get your money or even your attention!

kritiper's avatar

Sales. They want more sales.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just received another last courtesy call that my car warranty is about to expire. I put the phone next to a radio playing NPR talk radio and let it waste their time.

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