Have you ever found yourself in a potentially incriminating situation, out of the blue and completely by accident?
I just had a little incident at work, which might have compromised my job had the boss come by early? Details below.
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23 Answers
~No. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Working my part time security job tonight. Kind of an off the beaten path construction site. And expecting the boss here at any moment, to get the sign in sheets. So a woman pulls over by the gate a a truck similar to what the boss drives. Thought it WAS him until she climbed out and said she was looking for her phone that she had dropped on the floor board. I told her she could pull up by the gate to get out of the street completely and then she asked of she could smoke a cigarette before she left. I said ok and then she dropped her keys, which I picked up and gave to her..but rather than take them in her hand she clutched them inside her arm, them pulled my hand into her boob. And she was rather scantily clad to say the least..anyway she introduced herself by name and then left..said she’d “be around and visit me again”. No, don’t lol. Anyway I got her on her way and luckily the boss hasn’t come around yet. Yeah, I know what they mean by “Keep Austin Weird”. If the boss had shown up while that was going down I’d have had a hell of a time explaining it. And at 12.30 AM on a Sunday night? Mercy….
@RedDeerGuy1 Lol well,.consider your self lucky. Either that, or you tain’t from around these parts, are ya? ; )
You might enjoy a movie from the 90’s called “the Wrong Guy” The guy is a witness to a murder and is covered in blood and it turns out that he is innocent.
When I was in my early 20’s I took a Greyhound bus and a guy thought that I was his contact, and showed me a large duffel bag full of pot. If the police where there It would have gone bad for me.
Damn dude..THAT is bad. I was in a sort of similar situation to that once, years ago. In my single wild man days..I was in a club and the police came in, and told me to put my hands on my head, that I was coming with them..They took me out and frisked me, then told me a guy matching my description, long hair and a blue jean jacket, had robbed a convenience store near by. Luckily they were about to cuff me when a call came in on the radio that they had caught their guy. They apologized and turned me lose.
I was about to. Thought I was going to prison for something I never did. Like the plot of a bad movie.
You were lucky that the women didn’t take it negatively, and that your boss wasn’t around. The woman could have scream predator right there and then and she could have ruined you if she was bad enough.
I used to be in the same situation, and I was almost ruined by my “boss”. Some years ago I was a teaching assistant for this woman who appeared very, very friendly and loveable. When I first came to my current workplace, she was the first person to approach me and talk to me. She even gave me a gift to “aid with my job”. She was also the most popular person among the employees for her skill and charm. One day I was super sick and I was unable to focus on my surrounding. I remember at one point she asked me to help her around with the kids. I didn’t remember the exact detail, but I went out to do something and the came back and completely forgotten about what she said. I was feeling dizzy so I sat down to calm myself down. Just then I heard her screaming at me to stand up and do my job. I heard a stream of word vomit about how angry she was and how she had to work hard and how I was goofing around. After the class was done, she asked me to go meet her privately. And what she did was going on another rant about how much she loved me and how much I should appreciate that. She said that she asked me to come talk to her because she regarded me as her sister and she only wanted good things for me. Errr… if she had really loved me that much, she would have just repeated what she said earlier and waited for my explanation, not jumping at me like a freaking lion like that!
And at that moment, I realized that all of her friendly demeanor I saw earlier was just a facade she carefully crafted to prey on people’s trust. I started to observe her behavior around the children and that was also exactly what she did to them.
That wasn’t the first time I had a run-in with her. After the incident, she suddenly went back to her friendly self as if nothing had happened, but I no longer bought it. She would organize the kids to sing Happy Birthday for me one day, and then the next day shamed me for a mistake I made long in the past. She was so popular that no one had anything bad to say about her, so I was completely alone in dealing with her. My interaction with her dealt a lot of damage to my self-esteem until she moved out of the country to study abroad. I couldn’t be any happier.
Sorry that I got so emotional, but that was one of the worse time in my life.
Predator? She was preditoring me if anything. Stops at MY site, asks if she can smoke, then pulls my hand into her boob when I was trying to give her her keys? Then says she’ll come back and see me one night? Hell to the no. I was where I was supposed to be, doing my job. Ass end of her truck was on the road, and she could have caused an accident. Only reason I approached her, when I realized it wasn’t the boss.
@Nomore I’m not saying you were a predator. I understand your story perfectly and you did nothing wrong there. I’m saying that if she was a person with an ugly enough heart, she could have used that to press a false charge against you. I can understand your situation deeply because, from the story I just told you, I was manipulated by my coworker. If there had been anyone around us at that time, she could very much have used it as a proof of how useless I was as an employee and have me fired.
Some people are just monsters in saint’s clothing, and you never know when they will come at you.
Yes. In drug store with girlfriend as a young adult. I have her compact in my coat pocket because her clothing has no good pockets. She asks to see her makeup compact and I give it to her and she gives it back to me and I put it in my pocket. Store management asks us to leave, thinking we are being suspicious of shoplifting.
@Zaku They haven’t installed cameras yet. They say it’s coming, but seeing is believing. These guys are cheapos. And they have been falling behind schedule because of heavier than normal rain and thunderstorms. I think that’s the excuse they use for “We just don’t have the money at this point”.
@Dutchess_III Didn’t seem to be, her speech wasn’t slurred and when she left seemed to be driving ok. Don’t know what her malfunction was. She kept dropping stuff, her keys as I said, and her phone before that. Otherwise nothing really unusual. Thinking about calling a cop friend I know, and run it by him. See what he thinks. That said, Austin is full of strange people. “Keep Austin Weird” and “Austintatious” aren’t just rhetoric. LOL
@Nomore yes, check with your cop friend. He may know what’s going on and have tips to help you deal with similar situations in the future.
Think I’ll give him a buzz tomorrow. I mean, if I were a cop, I really wouldn’t have had anything to hold her on. Being a strange woman isn’t illegal. @Mimishu1995 If that were true, a lot of gals in Austin would be in the calaboose. LOL And men as well.
Being a strange woman isn’t illegal.
That alone isn’t illegal. But I’m worried about the motive behind her “being strange”. Is she just a strange person or is this part of an elaborate plan? People can be malicious sometimes, so better safe than sorry.
Agreed. Wondering about that as well.
@Nomore_lockout: My advice is not to get physically near her, so she can’t accuse you of anything. If someone asks to smoke, tell them there’s no smoking allowed on the job site. Just be really wary of people like that, who are predatory in their nature and will try to twist things to make it look like you’re the bad guy. Then they’ll be crying that you did something, and calling the cops and trying to sue or whatever else is up their sleeve.
I don’t think she’ll be back, if so I’ll tell her she needs to move on or I’ll be forced to get the police over there. I hope she was just a flake, but you never know these days.
She was probably a prostitute.
@Dutchess_III We must be on the same wave length Dutchy. That same thought just crossed my mind, as I was siting here wondering if I should call my cop friend and get his take. Mystery solved. She can “git on with the git along” if she ever comes back. Or deal with the local constabulary.
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