Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What are some real-life inspired restrictions, that you would put into games, to intentionally piss people off?

Asked by ragingloli (52313points) July 23rd, 2021

For example, in an MMO, having to form a queue with other players, before you can talk to an NPC.
Having the player character randomly stumble over a rock or branch.
Or random weapon malfunctions in shooters, including the weapon exploding, or the magazine falling out, because you forgot to lock it in properly.

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6 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

In a middle of a shooter like Resident Evil, make the character wanting to go to the toilet now and then. The urge to use the toilet increases when the character is in a dark and scary place with scary noises without any enemy in sight.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Here are some ideas for any game that requires driving a vehicle.
Before driving, the player must check the tire pressures and the oil.
If the oil is not checked after x hours of play, the Check Engine light comes on and the vehicle speed drops to “limp home” mode and stays there until the vehicle is serviced.
If tire pressures are not checked after x games, a flat will occur and the player must wait 5 minutes at the side of the road to change the tire.
These penalties might actually encourage players to check their vehicles in the real world.

Zaku's avatar

I and others I’ve known have put the sorts of details and issues you mentioned into games, usually not to “piss people off”, but because we’re interested in making a game about a situation, that behaves like that situation, including the obstacles and inconveniences.

What puts me off many games is the ABSENCE of obstacles that should be in the game. I hate it when a game puts years of work into making a nearly photo-realistic game world with interesting environments, and then it gives those environments almost zero effect on the game. Want to run through the jungle underbrush – no problem! Go full sprinting speed non-stop!

To me, too much convenience can easily undermine the game situation and make it into a game that pretends to be about one situation, but is not really about that situation, because it makes almost everything “super-easy, barely and inconvenience!”

Of course, games can also go too far in the other direction, still unrealistic but MORE inconvenient than they should be. Such as a one-foot-high picket fence that cannot be passed, Or games where you need to eat – every several minutes, and if you don’t, you’ll soon die of hunger.

I think faulty equipment can either be interesting and appropriate, or annoyingly over-done. I like it when it seems fairly accurate/appropriate/realistic, and don’t like it when it seems exaggerated or artificial.

And yes, sometimes I or others will put some things in games expecting them to annoy players, such as places with annoying laws or rules or jerks in authority positions.

JLeslie's avatar

I never play those sort of games, but I will give it a try:

Can’t find his keys for his vehicle if they are not put back in the designated spot.

Sun glare early or late in the day so he can’t see in front of him. Maybe everything is fine until he makes a quarter turn and then blinded.

Shoe comes apart.

Windshield wiper fluid runs out and can’t see well after driving through a dusty muddy area.

Forgot his mask to go into a place of business.

flutherother's avatar

Your character has to self-isolate for 10 days due to Covid.

Having to brush your teeth morning and night even for two minutes each time would become infuriating.

Collected equipment falls randomly out of a hole in your rucksack.

kritiper's avatar

Mouse traps.

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