Would you be interested in doing the Divergent Association Task?
Asked by
raum (
August 8th, 2021
from iPhone
The Divergent Association Task measures verbal creativity in under 4 minutes.
It involves thinking of unrelated ideas. People who are more creative tend to think of ideas with greater “distances” between them.
We recommend that you take the test
before you learn more about it.
Bonus points for including the words you chose. :)
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60 Answers
I scored 85.76 with these words: spoon, cabbage, star, computer, table, god, tarpaulin, spoon. Three other words of mine were not used.
bicycle medaille jeans asphalt map nipple zipper
Also three words were not used (hydera crane microphone).
I got a 82.98 using the words land, temper, clock, soda, captain, age and justice
I took it a second time, knowing that only the first 7 words count and changing some of the words. I got 86.94 with the words land, clock, soda, temper, mosquito, tango and justice.
I got 65 with dog, tree, home, etc… I haven’t had my coffee yet so not shocked.
I got 92.15 with
But I think I cheated, because I believe I did this test (or one like it) a few years ago.
I’m a bored princess – 90.19.
Now where’s my freaking tiara?
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84.46 with cup speaker paper coyote ocean pill sandwich
I think I focused too much on objects
84.86, but I didn’t make note of the words.
“Your score is 90.14, higher than 96.54% of the people who have completed this task”
height basin event loss sequin cloister dread
They didn’t count hair, watermelon, or constancy.
Is that like doing “The Monkey?”
Want to see who can get the lowest score? Spoon, fork, knife type choices.
If I try that, though, I’ll opt out of adding the data to their study. That would just be messing with them, not very nice.
@kneesox I tried that! :P
Your score is 21.34, higher than 0.0% of the people who have completed this task.
Ok, now I have to do it.
Bah. You beat me by a lot, @raum.
“Your score is 38.27, higher than 0.0% of the people who have completed this task”
salt pepper cinnamon sugar flour egg nutmeg
Still—higher than 0.0%. I wonder where the line is where it goes to 0.1%.
I tried a few different combinations. The best I could do was 93.76 points with words
tattoo, pedigree, tetrahedron, conjugation, comet, tarpaulin and piano
My best score thus far is 91.66. The words were: spigot, monstrosity, pectoral, ambergris, helicopter, piston, test.
I managed to get 100.41 with:
• village,
• voltage,
• parody,
• arachnophobia,
• cheque,
• forager,
• parsec.
That’s without stealing words from anyone else. Replacing “parody” with @longgone‘s “infotainment,” however, brings the score up to 100.67.
Baby, hill, water, pressure, atrocity, company, dragon.
Let’s see @SavoirFaire do it.
This is even worse. What am I doing wrong?
“Your score is 63.85, higher than 1.71% of the people who have completed this task”
road gravel blacktop pavement traffic travel speed
@kneesox I’m quasi-cheating on the grammatical technicality that colors and numbers can be nouns. :P
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink.
One, two, three, four, five, six, and seven.
@kneesox Without grammatical technicalities, I only beat you by a little. :)
Shoes, socks, pants, shorts, skirt, shirt and dress.
I chose the above words at random from the words others in this thread had already chosen. I thought that would give a good score but I only got 74.24 which I thought was interesting.
@raum That is an error, in my test I chose the word spoon only once.
There really should be a test on how one can think of words that are as related to each other as possible :P
Ok, so I tried trolling the test and inputting my Revolutionary War knowledge into it.
Unit, battalion, squad, platoon, company, regiment, brigade.
And 56.81%
Apparently I’m still too creative :D
Tea, anger, unfairness, tax, musket, ship, massacre.
And 84.91, an improvement!
I think I found a loophole here. I was actively trying to be uncreative as possible and became more creative instead ~
This low-score game is turning out to be a challenge. Looks like even 40 is higher than 0%.
“Your score is 40.05, higher than 0.0% of the people who have completed this task”
noun verb adjective adverb preposition infinitive clause
@flutherother Oh, interesting. Wonder if we could use our best words to make an uber-Fluther answer? :P
@Mimishu1995 I think most tests ask for you to think of related items. That’s what I find so interesting about this task, that it’s the total opposite of what I’m used to seeing.
It’s hard to rein in the creativity. ~ :P
@SavoirFaire I managed to get 101.83 with:
• analyst
• succotash
• ravine
• telepathy
• logo
• filibuster
• alloy
I wonder what the highest score is (that’s not from a computer algorithm.)?
Your score is 88.52, higher than 94.23% of the people who have completed this task
I played around with it a little more and managed to get up to 102.95 with:
• president,
• succotash,
• eruption,
• telekinesis,
• cheque,
• sidebar,
• alloy.
P.S. My wife beat all of our first tries with a 95.86. Her words were: celery, hydraulics, quest, quark, contusion, chair, visibility.
@raum The highest score they’ve seen so far is 109.5, so we still have some room for improvement.
Uber-Fluther answer for the win!
Your wife beat my first and second tries. :P
The first time I took it was at 2:33am.
I got 92.76 with:
• asteroid
• mite
• couplet
• tourmaline
• flier
• stilts
• whistle
I took it again when I woke up and got 94.89 with:
• trolley
• putty
• amethyst
• hiccup
• vaccine
• pirouette
• priest
Which was curious to me, since I’ve always thought I was at my most creative at night. So much for that notion.
The 109.5 score was achieved with a computer algorithm. I think we have room for improvement for sure. But something lower than 109.5?
I managed to bring the score up to 103.12 by replacing “eruption” (which was the lowest performer) with “forager” (which is still the lowest performer, so I’m sure we can find a good replacement).
@raum Yeah, my wife basically runs any table she chooses to show up at. If she wanted to spend a night on this, she’d probably hit 105 in the time it took me to break 100. I didn’t realize the 109.5 was from a computer algorithm. Still something to strive for, though!
YOU are a genius!... and I am a genius because I married you.
Cliff Huxtable and @SavoirFaire
LOL Oh, good lord. Where is the editing button? That sounds like I’m saying Cliff Huxtable is saying that to @SavoirFaire. I meant both saying that to their respective partners. hahahhahaa
I knew what you meant! In any case, there’s a reason this was one of my top answers for a long time.
Also, she’s currently trying “joke” lists—like all rhyming words—and still getting relatively high scores.
Awww…I love that.
I did that too! And lists that all start with the same letter. :P
@raum yeah, but the problem is that I got higher score when I didn’t actively trying to make things unrelated.
Did you get the reference of my last choices of words? :D
Possibly. But since I don’t have a clue what it is, and I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed anyway, I think I’ll pass.
@Nomore_lockout Click the link in the OP. It brings you to the task and gives you instructions on how to complete it.
86.2 Not to shabby I suppose.
@Mimishu1995 Yes! Your creativity just comes out, even if you’re not trying. :P
@Nomore_lockout Not too shabby! :D
Apparently I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. Because it took me three tries to properly type your username. Ha!
@Kardamom Only one food-related word! I’m a little shocked. :P
@Mimishu1995 Don’t beat yourself up, I got lucky. English is a second language for you, so you’re still tops. More smarts in your index finger than I have in my entire head. : )
@raum Yeah, not too shabby to.
@Mimishu1995 Yeah, pretty impressive considering it’s your second language.
I finally beat the low score! I managed a 6.2 with three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.
I guess “one” and “two” are more creative?
Maybe because one and two are more commonly used in other context, so are less exclusively connected to 3–9?
[scratches head]
Hey! They changed the layout of the graph. Kind of miss the grid. Though appreciate they added another option under gender pull-down menu.
I decided to take a stab at this today and managed to get up to 103.35 with:
• president,
• succotash,
• rapscallion
• telekinesis,
• billion,
• sidebar,
• alloy.
@raum I also miss the grid. I get that this is technically more efficient, but the grid is more accessible.
Whoa! Rapscallion is fun. :)
It’s the only word out of almost two dozen that outperformed “forager.” To get higher than 103.35, I think I’d have to start over with new words. This seems to be as far as I can go by tweaking the current set.
Maybe I’ll start with rapscallion and see where I can go from there.
So much easier to tweak an existing list with the grid. :/
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