What do you think of Governor Andrew Cuomo stepping down?
Asked by
chyna (
August 10th, 2021
from iPhone
Too soon? Too late?
I didn’t realize he has been in office 10 years. I think governors should have a term limit.
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46 Answers
(I wonder if conservatives will call this “cancel culture”... nah)
I think he took way too long making a fuss. Men like him really have no concept of the line they mustn’t cross.
Personally I think he handled it poorly, considering he waited until the evidence was reviewed from eleven women thus avoiding impeachment. As a father of three daughters, his actions were reprehensible, especially retaliation.
After he was first hit with sexual harassment allegations this year, Cuomo ignored bipartisan demands that he resign, and predicted the investigation that he authorized state Attorney General Letitia James to carry out would exonerate him. Instead, the report alleged that he’d harassed 11 women — nine of whom were state employees — and subjected some of them to unwelcome touching and groping. His office also retaliated against one of the women after she spoke out about how she was treated, the report alleged.
I’m glad he’s out. It took him too long.
I had last Sunday in the Resignation Pool. Never imagined he would last until today.
Stupid self-immolation. No respect for people who do this to themselves.
This was a given.
He should have resigned weeks ago.
He should have just said the distraction of these allegations were interfering in the operations of government (exactly what Nixon did).
As it is, he will burn in the upcoming trials and lawsuits.
He deserves it.
He’s a moron.
His defence video, as Stephen Colbert pointed out also, made it only worse.
“I do this to everybody; the young, the old, black and white, straight and LBGTQ+, etc.”
“There are probably hundreds, no, thousands of photos of it….”
Okay, so you grope(d) everybody?
How’s that making it innocent?
I want filmfan as my spokesman!
@rebbel So true. It made things worse. Who the heck let him say that garbage?!
For what it is worth: I had a colleague, half Dutch, half Italian, half giant (6’6“ish) who wasn’t much around when I was there (we worked different days).
One day when we were both there, he started question me about my job that day, and he put his arm on my shoulder and rubbed it.
I pulled away from him and told him I don’t want to you to touch me.
He said “I’m Italian”......
Wtf is it with some people that they think that’s a legit thing??
Edit: I wrote the colleague thing a few minutes after I wrote the Giuliani thing.
So @canidmajor is not laughing about me being unwillingly touched ;-)
Way too late. There are plenty of reasons he should have resigned. This is just the first one that stuck. May he go away and never come back.
I think he resigned because he cut a deal that the criminal charges would be dropped if he stepped down.
Why do some men STILL think their behavior is OK? Do they think we secretly like it?
Probably best. The more time went by and the more people spoke out, the more it looked as though the deck was indeed stacked against him.
Should have happened long ago. But we have our own problems down here with Abbot and Cruztello and their Covid denial.
He’s a pig and deserves what he has coming to him.
@gorillapaws OOOOOOOOOOOOOO! And without benefit of a trial!
Thank god.
His shitshow is over – But there are still thousands of men (and women) whose money & power make them believe they can use and abuse others with no consequences.
@kritiper He’ll get a trial if and when he faces criminal charges. It’s not like he has some right to the governorship that he is being unfairly deprived of by his accusers, the state legislature, or the attorney general. Politics got him the job, and politics lost him the job. That’s the nature of holding an elected office.
Politics did not cost him the job. His dumb ass behavior cost him the job. Women don’t like being pawed on. Neither do men, I’ve had it happen to me. Being cordial to a woman does not mean she has a right to stick her hand inside my shirt and paw my chest. We all need to keep out ever lovin’ hands to our freaking selves, no sympathy for Cuomo.
@Nomore_lockout I have no sympathy for Cuomo either, and nothing I’ve said here comes anywhere close to excusing his behavior. But the simple fact is that bad behavior alone cannot cost you an elected office. [Insert politician of your choice who has done the same or worse without resigning here if you need proof.] He only resigned because the alternative was impeachment and removal from office (which is a political process). Otherwise, he would have ridden it out and simply not run for reelection.
Or, knowing him, attempted to run for reelection anyway if he thought his numbers had improved enough.
In any case, my point was that the lack of a trial is not some violation of Cuomo’s rights (contrary to @kritiper‘s implication), and it seems clear from your response that you agree with that. I’m also willing to bet that you can think of at least one politician in recent history whose bad behavior did not cost him his job. So about what, exactly, are you disagreeing with me?
^When did he address you? What am I missing?
@Hawaii_Jake Look at my previous response.
Me: “Politics got him the job, and politics lost him the job.”
Him: “Politics did not cost him the job.”
One thing we have to acknowledge – nowadays there are different rules for different people.
I wouldn’t lump Cuomo and Weinsten in the same place with Al Franken.
And none of those are as bad as Trump or Matt Gaetz (pedophile congressman).
But look who gets awaay with it.
It does seem that Democrats tolerate this type of transgression far less than Republicans, who overwhelmingly defend the molesters.
@SavoirFaire Please point out where in my post, that I accused you of excusing his behavior? I simply said that we all need to keep out hands to ourselves, that that shit can happen to men as well as women, (I should know), and that, speaking rhetorically, I have no sympathy for him, or anyone like him. I was brining no accusations against you. Peace out.
@Nomore_lockout “Please point out where in my post, that I accused you of excusing his behavior? ”
I didn’t say you did. That phrase is there to stave of any further misinterpretations.
“I was bringing no accusations against you.”
Again, I didn’t say otherwise. But you did disagree with me when you said “politics did not cost him the job” immediately after I said “politics lost him the job,” and I think what you said in response to me was both false and a misrepresentation of the point I made. Thus my explanation of what I meant by saying that politics lost him the job. His behavior is the root cause of his resignation, but he wouldn’t have resigned if his own party hadn’t taken action against him.
And his party would never have taken action had it not been for his stupid behavior.
I literally just said that. Are you actually reading, or just scanning for key words to disagree with?
Let’s make this easy. True or false: other politicians have engaged in the same or worse behavior in the past without having to resign? If you think that’s true, then you agree with me whether you realize it or not.
I give up. I’m not here to argue about b.s. If you’re going to get offended by everything I say, then adios and have good evening. This has gone beyond ridiculous.
Not offended. Just responding to a misunderstanding.
Whatever. have a good one. Finished here. Sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite.
They said today on the news that the State is not going to move forward with impeachment.
If he’s impeached, he can’t run for office in NYS again. If he’s not impeached, he can run again.
@seawulf575: I haven’t heard that there was a deal where the criminal charges were dropped. If you have a link, please post it.
@jca2 “If he’s impeached, he can’t run for office in NYS again.”
Only if they hold an additional vote after impeaching and removing him from office. It’s not automatic.
@jca2 No link…just a guess after seeing how none of the elite are ever really held accountable for their crimes. Losing your job isn’t just punishment for sexual assault, but when have you ever seen any of these yahoos held criminally liable? Weinstein and Cosby were the only ones in recent history I can remember and Cosby’s conviction was overturned. Usually with the politicians, once they are moved from office (or from an election race) things fall apart and nothing is ever done.
@SavoirFaire: Oh, ok. What I wrote is what they said on the NBC nightly news (NYC news).
@seawulf575: I agree but criminal matters have a life of their own, separate from political. I’m not saying he’s going to be convicted, but as far as the charges go, they’ve not been dropped. They were only filed the other day.
The news this morning said he couldn’t be impeached after he leaves office.
What I just read (brief google search but not extensive by any means) is that he would be prohibited from running for Governor in NYS but not prohibited from running for other offices in the state. As for votes needed, I didn’t research that, just, as I wrote above, repeated what I heard on the news.
@jca2 Criminal matters have a way of falling by the wayside as well. Once out of the spotlight, they are quietly swept under the rug. Prosecutors will decide not to prosecute, AGs will decide the case isn’t worth the cost of investigating and prosecuting…these things always happen. Or the charges would be dropped to something completely mundane and a minor sentence would be assigned. There could be civil suits, but those are costly and many complainants would decide it wasn’t worth the cost.
There are numerous examples that bear this out. Roy Moore…accused of raping a teen. Lots and lots of press until he was no longer a viable candidate and then…crickets. Ted Kennedy driving off the bridge and killing a woman…didn’t report it to police until the next morning, some 9 hours later. He was driving and killed someone. He was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and sentenced to 2 months in jail which was suspended. Hillary Clinton even, with her e-mails. It was well documented that there was classified material in many of the e-mails, yet no charges were ever brought. Meanwhile, a sailor that took a photo of the engineroom he worked in was charged with unauthorized retention of defense information. Couldn’t the same be applied to Hillary or even Huma Abedin or Anthony Weiner because some of those same classified e-mails were found on his laptop, addressed to her?
There is most definitely two systems of justice and Cuomo doesn’t fit into the one that you and I do.
@seawulf575: I’m not disagreeing with what you wrote right above, about things being swept under the rug. I agree those things often happen with the rich and famous. However, your previous statement “I think he resigned because he cut a deal that the criminal charges would be dropped if he stepped down.” made it sound as if that’s a fact, which it’s not. I don’t think they’d even cut any deals at this point because it’s not yet known what, if any, other charges might come forth. They couldn’t cut a deal and then it comes out that he did other things that are more serious (like rape).
@jca2 No worries. It’s an extremely common misconception, so I’m not surprised that you heard it on the news.
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