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chyna's avatar

Are doctors in your area refusing patients that aren’t vaccinated?

Asked by chyna (51733points) August 10th, 2021 from iPhone

My SIL’s doctor is refusing patients that haven’t been vaccinated. This is the first I have heard of this. Of course, it’s a private practice doctor and not a hospitalist.
I think people will be up in arms if this is starting to happen everywhere, but I agree with him. What do you think?

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17 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

It’s not happening here that I’m aware of.

Frankly, I think it’s fine, as it’s legal, that they are allowed to fire patients for practically anything barring discrimination.

One older doctor said every time an unvaccinated person comes in, it puts him and his staff at risk so he can’t allow it to continue if they persist in refusing to be vaccinated.
This particular doctor had given the anti-vaxx patient over six months before issuing an ultimatum.

longgone's avatar

Absolutely not! That seems really cold. Do they also refuse victims of a car accident, if the driver was at fault? Or smokers? Or anyone who is HIV-positive?

I strongly believe that everyone should get vaccinated. But if we lose our basic human compassion over this, we’re screwed in a different way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree with the doctor. It’s one thing if the patient can’t get vaccinated. It’s a totally different thing to put other people’s life’s at risk just because they are a stupid jerk.
I’d like to see more sanctions against those who willfully refuse to get vaccinated.

chyna's avatar

@longgone. I don’t see having HIV is the same. It’s not airborne. Covid is airborne and highly contagious.

longgone's avatar

@chyna It’s not the same. But an ER doctor, for example, certainly deals with blood a lot. Should they check a patient’s HIV status before they do?

kneesox's avatar

A doctor assumes certain risks in treating a patient. When I visit my doctor, I expect to be seen and treated, not exposed to a deadly disease in the wake of a resistant patient who preceded me.

chyna's avatar

@longgone They do ask bloody patients if they are HIV in the ER. If the patient is coherent.

Demosthenes's avatar

Not that I know of. My friend was even able to have dental work done last week despite being unvaccinated. All he had to do was attest that he didn’t have symptoms.

I don’t like where this is going, but then, I’ve been pretty clear about that all along.

filmfann's avatar

My doctor called me a few weeks back, and scheduled a check up.

raum's avatar

Not that I know of. This is an interesting question though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think ER docs assume everyone they’re treating has HIV or something, and take appropriate precautions with every patient.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have heard of a pediatrician refusing to see unvaccinated children. I haven’t yet heard of doctors refusing to see patients who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake It happens a lot for various reasons. They do it hear for anyone on opioids as the young doctors don’t believe in pain management with medication.

longgone's avatar

@chyna Yes, I guess that’s true. I hope they are treated anyway. It just feels wrong to me to turn anyone away because of an illness. If the variants become more deadly even to vaccinated people, we might see more of it. Breaks my heart though.

Here’s a short article about a doctor who treats unvaccinated Covid patients, with all their regrets.

chyna's avatar

@longgone That is a heartbreaking article.

YARNLADY's avatar

I heard that there is a vaccinated waiting room and a non-vaccinated waiting room in some offices.

janbb's avatar

I just heard today in a meeting that a friend’s doctor will not let them come in for an appointment if they are not vaccinated. New Jersey

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