Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If kids in the US start dropping dead like flies due to a Covid19 variant, would there be less anti-mask and anti-vaccine efforts?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) August 10th, 2021 from iPhone

In less than 24 hours the poor kid dies for example.

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17 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

A guy mowed down a classroom full of kids, and right wingers did not care.
They even went so far as to deny that it happened, and harassed the survivors, accusing them of being “actors”.

kneesox's avatar

I don’t think so. They don’t care. Or they just blame someone else. Me, for example. Or you. After all, who’s the enemy? Not them.

It’s thanks to Trump that “opponent” got turned into “enemy.” I don’t know how we’ll ever go back.

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rebbel's avatar

I’m afraid, at this point in time, no, it won’t make a big difference.
Sure, there’ll be some who dial down, if children from their own families get seriously ill, or even die, but the majority, I feel, are so much invested in their anti mask, – vaccin rhetoric that they simply can’t stop it without losing their (supposed) credibility.
It’ll become just another chapter from the big conspiracy book.

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Demosthenes's avatar

Probably not because this issue isn’t about health or the safety of children; it’s about politics 100%. If it became politically advantageous for Republicans to be more pro-mask and pro-vaccine, they would.

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longgone's avatar

[Mod says] Flames off, please. I know this is a sensitive subject, but that’s all the more reason to stay civil.

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YARNLADY's avatar

Children are already dropping dead, and very little change. Apparently only those adults who on already dying change their mind.

Zaku's avatar

As @YARNLADY wrote above, there are already more and more children dying from the Delta variant. To answer your question literally, yes, there are people who are affected by that, and moved to support masks and vaccines when their loved ones die from Covid. You probably meant some level of change, but you didn’t specify that, and there is no meaningful way to answer that.

What has happened has been a morbid demonstration of how many people’s opinions can be driven by lies and media even in the face of great amounts of actual death, danger and suffering.

Pandora's avatar

No difference at all. A parent sent her sick child who tested positive with Covid to school in Nevada on the first day of school and sadly the school isn’t going to press charges which will give more parents who don’t care about other children to send their kids to school.

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