Does anyone here garden?
If so, what are you growing and how are your plants doing this year?
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I do, on a small scale, mostly in containers. The few things I bothered with this year are not doing so well, everything is lagging. The beans and peas were paltry (they usually are out of control) and everything else is really taking time. I have had a few tomatoes, most will likely appear in September, and I’ll have greenies ripening all the hell over the house. The peppers are sad and small, what few there are..The herbs are scraggly. Ugh. Now that I’ve laid it all out like this, it’s so depressing.
I hope you are having more luck!
haha, well we are but I’m sorry you are not. Many people have told me they had a really rough year from all the crazy weather, so it’s not just you. :) You’re in Nor Cal right?
Our dill dill great, tomatoes just popped last week and are great, sunflowers great, cucumbers great, garlic great. Basically the water lovers are fine.
My friend has a huge garden but his eyes are bad, he gave us zucchini and green beans, and bigger sunflowers to harvest, so all in all we’re pretty happy with the take.
I’ve really only canned pickles, carrots and homemade spaghetti sauce so far.
I garden reluctantly. I wish I had a greener thumb.
I have a basil plant that has been doing pretty well for two months. I actually keep it indoors in a pot. I’m very happy I’ve been able to keep it alive, a lot of people kill their basil plants. I use it in a lemony salad dressing and on pizza.
Not sure if you only mean fruits and vegetables? I’m just getting my landscaping redone now. I’ve kept my palm trees and some other plants alive pretty well, but others died from lack of water I think. I had the irrigation redone so the water just trickles on each plant next to the ground instead of spraying above a whole area. It should save water and I can water and no one knows I’m doing it.
I’ve wanted to plant some sort of citrus tree, but I’ve resisted the urge. People say I would regret it when the blossoms or fruit start falling.
If I lived more north I would love to have a honey crisp apple tree.
@JLeslie haha, any gardening is worth it if it brings you pleasure! We love our flowers and trees and bushes, mostly natives, as much if not more than our food garden. :)
My husband prefers that I don’t touch or try to help any of them. I process once they are done but other than weeding, hands off. haha! I tend to over-love them.
Hahaha, @KNOWITALL, I am in Southern Connecticut, but I think my thumb is just having a black year. My mood may matter, I am impatient and I think that all the little greenies can sense that and maybe are being a little spiteful. :-)
I’ve had years when I have filled my freezer! Maybe 2022!
Hm, not sure if five green tomatoes count!
We had a bad year, too, with way too much rain and overcast skies. Plus, our move messed up the timing and the new garden is chockfull of murderous slugs. There’s a beautiful basil plant, a giant succulent, and a poinsettia left from Christmas that I’m proud of though.
@canidmajor then we have the same temperament in that aspect. No green thumb or patience….haha!
@longgone Keep those murderous slugs there, the world has enough problems right now sister!! I swear it’s like the plagues of Egypt with the three volcano’s in Alaska, 14 states on fire, Greece on fire, global pandemic, etc….
@KNOWITALL I don’t enjoy it. Always worried about a bee stinging me or some other critter or thorn causing me problems.
I do take pleasure in seeing my labor result in healthy plants though, and I love the idea of growing my own food, but it is not a hobby I look forward to.
I’ve considered buying a pink light for more indoor plants. I’d also like to have a screened area to grow veggies or fruits, but I guess it would have to be plants that don’t need bees? I wish I had paid more attention in botany class. I found it boring in school and now I’m fascinated by it.
If you love farming try the show Trails to Oishii on NHK. The farmers take so much care, it’s so nice. My husband and I find the show very calming. Here’s the mango episode.
I really liked the episode on honey a lot, and so many are great.
@JLeslie What streaming service is that on? I will check it out for sure.
Did you get your smart tv up and running? And remote on your phone?
We have a little garden in the front yard.Tomatos peppers and ocra.
I grow a very small garden because it pleases my wife. She brings home seeds and I do all the work (weeding, slug control, deer fence, fertilizer, water, etc.)
Now I’m growing squash, tomatoes, kale, basil, kohlrabi and purple garbage.
The tomatoes and the squash are doing good. The rest fare to not so good.
They had been doing well until the last two weeks. Dry and hot with no rain. We water it every day, but garden hose water is just not the same as rain.
@gondwanalon Wow, ambitious! My husband ignores me and only grows what he wants. Rude!
Wish I had some purple garbage…er…cabbage. Yum! Are you going to make kraut or cabbage roles, or slaw?
@KNOWITALL It’s on the channel NHK if you have cable TV. The link I gave you, you can watch the show online. They don’t make you belong to a streaming service. Maybe it is on a service though, I don’t know.
I haven’t gone back to my TV mirroring problem, I’ve been too busy with other things. I want to figure it out though.
We actually grew some small watermelon last year. Small but dee-licious. I just wonder if the city water has some kind of treatment crap in it that makes things grow less well.
I used to but since moving to my current house we have too much tree cover for a successful garden. I raid my sisters massive garden now.
I do a little bit of gardening at my parents’ house. I am mostly interested in California native plants. They are doing well. The good thing is that California natives are drought tolerant so they are surviving this extremely dry weather so far though even they will suffer after several years of this.
@Desmosthenes Smart! We turned our backyard into natural habitat with a lot of natives. The front stays normal so neighbors don’t complain.
We love the bees and butterflies and hummingbirds finding sanctuary.
@KNOWITALL My wife does all the cooking. She says that she loves cooking and she’s very good at it. What she does with the purple cabbage depends on how successful I am growing it.
I garden—just not well. :P
I’m actually pretty dreadful at it. But it was a nice excuse to be outside (but still at home) during the pandemic.
May have grown the world’s leggiest lettuce. The stalk is winding around like crazy. I think someone should tell it that it’s not a climbing vine or something.
@raum I am a fan of Baker Creek as well, and had their lovely Dragon’s Tongue beans as well! I think they are delicious, and my dog (rather adorably, I must say!) likes to snuffle about in the vines and pick his own. Chomping occurs. :-)
@canidmajor Not sure which is cuter. The visual of your dog. Or your use of the word snuffle.
I also grew some spoon tomatoes
from them. Totally silly from the effort to production standpoint (especially since I am a terrible gardener).
But I’m a sucker for cute stuff! And look how cute and tiny they are!
Omigod, @raum, those really are very cute!
@KNOWITALL I know, right? Who wants murderous slugs? We’re trying to come up with non-toxic ways to protect our plants for the next season. Probably one of those special fence things. We already have a pretty impressive colony of predator slugs, which freak me out a little bit.
@longgone I assume you’ve tried beer and mothball’s?
@raum Gorgeous!
@canidmajor The german shepherd I dogsit picked a timato and brought it to me. Such a good helper but it was green. Ha!
@KNOWITALL Mine goes for the greenies sometimes too, he thinks they’re odd tennis balls.
@canidmajor and @KNOWITALL
I like to think of it less as growing food for consumption and more as the production of squee. :P
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