When is it fine or justified to be hypocritical?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
August 14th, 2021
from iPhone
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9 Answers
Never. To be hypocritical means you’re probably a waffler.
Just to be sure…you do know that ‘hypo’ would mean less than critical, correct? Hypercritical would mean overly critical. And neither have to do with hypocrisy.
When you are a stand up comedian.
Oh jeeeez. I’m so embarrassed. Hypocritical means hypocrisy! One is a noun and one is an adjective! For some reason I read it as hypo-critical. Never mind. <<blushing and exiting stage right>>
Apparetly, when you are Republican.
When you’re asking your kids to make better decisions than you did.
@raum I don’t even consider that hypocritical. It is admitting your errors (the antithesis of hypocrisy).
When only you will be hurt by it.
In an effort to not hurt or offend others.
To go along to get along.
@seawulf575 I think admitting your errors is one thing. Though there are a lot of things I’d still do—I just don’t want my kids to do them. :P
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