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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are your thoughts on cropping dog's ears and docking their tails?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) August 15th, 2021

As asked.

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20 Answers

kritiper's avatar

No to both.

rebbel's avatar

A great idea (if the dogs are allowed to chew the ears, and one appendage other than fingers, toes, and noses, off of their cruel ‘boss’).

Or, in other words, I say no.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not for me or mine but if it’s done properly for show dogs or breeding, I get it.
I never really understood vanity about animals appearances as they are family to me, not investments.

snowberry's avatar

Here’s an interesting story on why these people had their dog’s tail docked. Many veterinarians thought it was a cosmetic surgery, but had they bothered to look at the dog they would’ve realized it was a matter of health and sanitation. Ultimately if they had not docked its tail, the dog could have died.

Farmers routinely dock the tails of newborn lambs. The practice promotes health and sanitation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got thrown in Facebook jail over this question! I disagree with it wholeheartedly.
Some one said Doborman tails HURT when they smack your leg. “Can you imagine how bad they’re hurting their own legs??”
Also “Floppy ears lacerates their faces.”
I said “My dog has a tail that could be WMD. It never occurred to me to cut it off, for Christ’s sake!”

canidmajor's avatar

There are some circumstances where it makes some sense. If the dog is a serious working dog, and long, floppy ears can be torn up by brush and such, it makes sense. Some tails should be docked if they are likely to be stepped on by heavy stock.
Never for cosmetic purposes, in fact the standards for some breeds are becoming more flexible, allowing for more natural looks.

Unfortunately, in some breeds that have always had docked tails (boxers come to mind) the tail configuration has not been taken into consideration while breeding, and many are born with tail deformities. It will be a much longer time before that can be corrected.

smudges's avatar

@snowberry Good article. Another legitimate reason to amputate a tail is the “Happy Tail Syndrome” which I hadn’t heard of until recently.

Personally, they both disgust me, and unless it’s done properly and at the right age, it’s painful for the animal, sometimes for the rest of their lives, in the case of tails.

ragingloli's avatar

How would you like to have parts of your body amputated against your will?
As for “tHeY mIgHt gEt InJuReD dUrInG wOrK!”:
Imagine someone working with dangerous machinery at risk of injuring his hands or feet.
The answer is not “Let’s forcibly and preemptively amputate their hands and feet and replace them with steel prosthetics”. The answer is “supply them with protective equipment”.

The livestock industry is docking the tails of pigs, because pigs forced together in densely packed groups tend to chew each other’s tails off.
How about you change their living conditions, before you mutilate them, you fuckfaces?

gondwanalon's avatar

Animal cruelty by mutilation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They dock their tails when they’re only a few weeks old. No anesthesia. Some numbnut came up with the idea it doesn’t hurt them.
Probably the same numbnut that insists circumcision.doesnt hurt. (“Why is that baby screaming?”
“Oh they’re just stabbing him with pins. But it doesn’t hurt.”)

smudges's avatar

You GO @ragingloli!! Rage ON girl!!

flutherother's avatar

I’m strongly against both.

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, @ragingloli, how silly to assume the level of deductive reasoning skills in a working dog to be the same as those of a person trained on complex machinery. But outrage does promote two-dimensional thinking, as is well evidenced by absolutists.

YARNLADY's avatar

Both disgusting.

downtide's avatar

Strongly opposed, and both practises are illegal in the UK as it’s considered to be animal abuse. It’s only permitted in the case of injury or disease that cannot be treated any other way. (My dog had one ear cropped – but not pinned up – because she got skin cancer on it).

Forever_Free's avatar

No, No and No

I also don’t let my dog cut my hair.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My dog is a strong candidate for ear cropping and tail docking. He has a strong infusion.of boxer.
His ears are SO CUTE!

cheebdragon's avatar

@Dutchess_III Tails are typically docked within 3–5 days, not weeks.

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