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gondwanalon's avatar

Is this $50K “Cyberlandr” not an absolute monstrosity?

Asked by gondwanalon (23352points) August 16th, 2021

As if the Tesla “Cybertruck” wasn’t nutty enough. Unbelievable. HA!

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10 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Your website only showed a chicken coop.
Bit expensive at $50000

elbanditoroso's avatar

Free country, capitalist society. If there is a buyer and a seller, then obviously there is a market for it. People used to buy Pet Rocks, after all. And NFTs.

Personally, it’s ugly as sin. But if someone chooses to drive it, who cares? It’s prettier than a Yugo or a Rabbit, for sure.

zenvelo's avatar

An awful lot of money for a camper for two. And one person can’t nap while the other person is cooking lunch.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Some became obsessed with the transformers McDonald’s used to put in their happy meals.

Kropotkin's avatar

It looks like it was designed in Minecraft.

Elon Musk is a complete con artist and fraud, and he understands better than almost anyone that a fool and his money are soon parted.

ragingloli's avatar

All of Tesla’s cars look like chinese knockoffs. The “cybertruck” however is a complete abomination. That chicken-coop looking thing is an apropriate tumor to grow from its backside.

ragingloli's avatar

They are not even good cars.
A reviewer, when comparing a Tesla to an electric Porsche, said ‘The Tesla feels like a big RC car. The Porsche feels like driving.’

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is “RC”?

rebbel's avatar

Radio Controlled (like toy cars).

Edit: Ah, I think loli has it right.
I was thinking about the controller working with radio waves.

ragingloli's avatar

Remote controlled toy cars.

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