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raum's avatar

What are you particular about?

Asked by raum (13670points) August 18th, 2021 from iPhone

Do you wish you were less particular about it?

I can’t stand the feel of polyester. I wish it didn’t bother me so much. It sucks to find clothing or bedding that you like (visually), only to touch it and cringe. Plus it’s so much more affordable. And can be made from recycled plastic.

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26 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Having the good tp.

Demosthenes's avatar

So many things, and I think much of it is due to my OCD.

I’m particular about audio quality, how clothes fit, food textures, the appearance of my hair, the extent to which a book can hold my attention…

Being less particular would make my life a lot easier.

janbb's avatar

I’m pretty fussy; can’t function in a messy environment, worry about stains on my clothes, don’t like dirty dishes in the sink. Since I have no one to please but myself, my fussiness doesn’t bother me anymore but I wish I had been more relaxed about certain things when my kids were young.

kritiper's avatar

The way people drive.

tedibear's avatar

1. The way the dishwasher is loaded. I can’t stand to have things all higgledy-piggledy in there.
2. Laundry sorting. My husband separates it into many little loads. This makes me crazy.

Luckily, in both of these areas, he respects my neuroses and lets me get on with things.

sincere's avatar

My pillows.

Edit, omg not the my pillow guy. The pillows that pass my test for a comfortable night.

JLeslie's avatar

My houses. More specifically the floorplan. When I’m renting I am not particular, only when I’m buying.

Also, how big the TV is in relationship to how far back I am sitting from it.

I don’t mind 100% polyester shirts at all, but I have some leggings that are polyester and rayon, or nylon and polyester, and I don’t like how they feel. They are great in terms of not squeezing me anywhere, but they feel ick at the same time. Cotton is so much better.

Temperature in my house. I want to be comfortable in my home.

Being covered with a blanket to sleep.

flutherother's avatar

Litter is a real bugbear to me. It irritates me to see litter dropped in the streets or in beauty spots. It is so selfish expecting someone else to clean up after you. How difficult is it to take your litter home with you or to put it in a litter bin?

On a larger scale I worry about the vast quantities of rubbish produced by society and the muck that our polluted rivers carry into the oceans every day. It is so depressing to see a seabird or a turtle trapped in plastic netting and that is only the visible consequences.

rebbel's avatar

The hem of my socks (that is, when I wear the’m, which is around 5 months per year), the tightness of the rest of the socks, the elasticity of the material of the socks, the seams used to connect the toe part to the foot part, the length of the sock (no seam preferred).
For the rest I don’t mind about them.

canidmajor's avatar

Makeup. I detest the feel of makeup, and I have since the 60s and 70s where “more is better” was the motto. To this day, I can’t bear to wear even the littlest bit.

Forever_Free's avatar

having quality ingredients when cooking – Herbs, spices, produce, pasta, proteins, etc

My Jeeps

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m satisfied if it’s simply not spoiled. Having said that, I may be a little too quick to throw food out. It’s not like I’m a starvin’ pilgrim.

JLeslie's avatar

@canidmajor Interesting. I had never considered that’s why some people don’t wear make-up.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Dutchess_III spoiled foods when recently purchased frosts my fanny. We pay enough for the food and then it goes bad. grrrrrrrrrrrr

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t wear make up because it’s a hassle.

Forever_Free's avatar

^^^ What she said ^^^

JLeslie's avatar

^^Yeah, that’s me too when I don’t bother wearing it. The hassle.

I do wear make-up when I want to be taken seriously, or going out for some sort of festivity with friends. Or, just want to look more attractive that day.

janbb's avatar

I wear makeup when my sons are getting bar mitzvahed or married!

TJFKAJ's avatar

Personal hygiene

SABOTEUR's avatar

Offending or inconveniencing someone.

I’ve been told on several occasions I’m overly concerned about other people’s feelings. That I should express myself freely.

I don’t think that will change. I read something years ago that resonated deeply. In a booklet someone gave me, readers were admonished:
“Before speaking be mindful that your words are true, kind and necessary. If your words do not meet those 3 qualifications it’s best to say nothing at all.”

Inspired_2write's avatar

An organized place.
I recentluy rearranged my large living room into three areas.

1. An Office area with desk computers, file cabinet and swival chair.

2. Since I had two sofa’s I separated them with stereo and reading area only.

3. The larger longer sofa for viewing TV with my booksheleves stocked with my favorite books, art supplies,photo albums, antique camera, medium framed completed cross stitch projects,unique Chess set ( small) . 1906 Antique Trunk with plants on top in front of the window.

This new way of organizing has made it easier to maneuver around my apartment easily.

Each area is designated for a specific task.

Only thing now is to organize my storage room..full of years of accumulated items.

jca2's avatar

I am particular about people getting out of the left lane on a highway, when they’re going slower than the rest of traffic. If they see someone behind them, they should move over.

I’m particular about the orderliness of my hotel rooms, when we stay in a hotel. I keep the sink wiped, I keep my stuff in an orderly pile, I keep the towels folded or placed open where they can dry. If there’s a kitchen, I keep the kitchen neat, I keep my clothes folded and put where they belong. I’m not like that at home.

I am particular about good soap. I like nice quality soap (both liquid for hands and bar soap for the shower). Soap that has a nice smell is important. I don’t buy “regular” soap like Dove or Ivory.

I’m particular about having to wear socks to bed if it’s cold.

I don’t care for acrylic sweaters. If someone gives me one, I’ll keep it and wear it but if I’m buying a sweater, it has to be cotton or wool. Acrylic sweaters feel slimy to me.

I’m particular about my clothes not having stains or rips. If they have stains that I can’t get out or rips, I throw them out. They’re not fancy clothes, but I feel when people wear clothes with stains, they look sloppy. Clothes with holes I don’t wear either. If the rips are placed purposely, like ripped jeans, that’s fine (I don’t wear them but if people wear them, I don’t care), but for me, my clothes can’t be torn or with holes.

raum's avatar

I’m really particular about subtitles and dubbed movies. I absolutely LOATHE dubbed movies. And I just accidentally rented a dubbed movie on Prime Video.


Brian1946's avatar


What was the movie?

raum's avatar

Rurouni Kenshin: Origins

I just finished Rurouni Kenshin: Beginnings, which isn’t terribly amazing. But I kind of had a crap day and wanted to space out with some gore (and subtitles).

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