Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you have a story about a neighbor you'd like to share?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47214points) August 20th, 2021

Any kind. Funny, stupid, enraging, anything.

We used to have a beautiful white German Shepherd named Dakota.
One day she got out of our yard to go a-visiting, I guess.
I went door to door.
The neighbor across the street said she had her, but didn’t want to give her back!
Her kids had renamed her “Snowball” (*Snowball???!!!) and had gotten SO attached in the 30 minutes they had her
“It’ll just break their hearts and I don’t want to do that to them.”
I just stared at her in disbelief until she turned over my dog!


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14 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

Growing up we had a wacky neighbor on each side of us.

One side was an old grumpy guy who put up a chain link fence with the sharp barbs on the top of the fence. They typically are placed on the ground to stop animals from digging.
Playing ball in the driveway would always result in popped balls or balls that went over the fence. I tore many clothing items as i climbed over to fetch my ball.
He would come out and chase us with a stick if we went in his yard. One time as he was chasing me he slipped and threw the stick. Well, it missed me but I was so pissed off that I picked ithe stick up and started chasing him.

Forever_Free's avatar

The wacky neighbor on the other side would take our balls that went over the fence and put them in his garage and not return them.
They were also those nosey neighbors who would peek out their windows at you to see what you were doing.
This went on for years. We rarely played on that side because of this.
One day my Dad had a bunch of friends over to help him build something. He knew that the guy was in his garage listening.
My Dad started telling his friends how this guy always takes our balls and never gives them back. With that said, a shower of balls were being thrown back over the fence from him.
It was like Christmas!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Great stories @Forever_Free!
I could see dozens of balls flying back over the fence!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Our neighborhood is pretty casual and friendly. We do not lock our doors. If you need to drop something off you just walk into the person’s garage – or even the house – if you are dropping off perishables like food or garden veggies. That leads to embarrassing situations sometime.

“So… What are we looking at here.”
Decades ago I had a urethral stricture as a result of a bicycle injury and needed a ream job to increase my flow. (wince) A week or so before my visit to the urologist I had dye X-rays done while urinating so they could image the flow. I was given the films to take to the office visit.
Of course I was curious so I took the full size films out of the folder and hung them up against my kitchen picture window so I could get a good look at them. It was so interesting to see the dye flowing through all my plumbing. I could see everything in great detail. Right down to the little drip hanging at the tip. Amazing. It was obvious even to a layman where the stricture was as the tubing necked down to a tight restriction and then opened up again.

Anyway, while I was studying the films my elderly female neighbor walked, unannounced, into my kitchen and began staring at the pics.
“So Lucky, What are we looking at here?” she demanded. It took her about 5 seconds to get the full impact. We had a standing joke that she knew me better than anyone else. She told everyone it took multiple films to get it all in the image.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Great story!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Another embarrassing situation.
Deer had been eating our garden and nibbling plants right down to the ground. There was so much other food to eat. Why pick on our flowers? I had to fight back. I bought a low to mid power BB gun and would shoot at them to scare them away. As this was not a very powerful gun sometimes it would take 2 or 3 shots to convince them to move.
I sleep in my undies. (Bear with me. I promise that is significant.)
One morning, I got up and walked into the kitchen to saw some deer eating the garden plants. I grabbed the gun and walked out into my garage. Carefully and quietly opening the back door I retreated back into the garage and moved so I could get off a shot through the small gap between the door and the frame. There I was, standing barefoot, in my underwear, aiming the rifle, my arm resting on top of the tool box, lining up the scope picture… when the same neighbor walked into the garage to drop off some veggies.
“Lucky, Am I disturbing anything?”
Her voice scattered the deer.
“Not any more!”

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy She does know you intimately!

snowberry's avatar

When I was a child the neighbor on the corner had a pet spider monkey. Every day in the summer he would let Monkey out to run free in the neighborhood. I always thought that was fun, because sometimes I would be out in the yard and the monkey would be there in our bushes, and I would feed him treats from our refrigerator.

Fast forward a few years, and my father was trimming the hedge with his manual hedge loppers. I thought it was fun to watch him, until all of a sudden there was a shriek, and Monkey jumped out of the bush, grabbed his tail on the ground, and tried to stick it back on.

Monkey didn’t get to run free after that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh my God. Poor monkey.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Just one but it bums me out to talk about it. In brief, we have a great neighbor across the street. Really nice lady. Divorced with one child and we knew she was lonley. By chance she got reaquainted with her old HS boyfriend and he moved in with her. Nice guy himself. But he developed a serious heart condition and they spent a lot of time in the hospital. We all thought he was getting better, then like three days after she had been telling my wife how they had gone to their HS prom together in the day, and were going to get married, he passed away suddenly. Sucks, just freaking sucks. Things like that should NOT happen to nice people. Gives me a shitty outlook on life. Anway, sorry to ruin the mood of the thread. But you did say “anything”, and the Q got me thinking about that poor lady.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

No prob. Again, my apologies

Dutchess_III's avatar

No apologies needed.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@cmyna Yes., yes she does. She still likes to tell how “it took 4 films to show it all.” while she flips her hand like unfolding as map . Or, for any young’un who don’t know what a map is, like Beyonce;s “put a ring on it” hand move.

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