I don’t see it as a question of “how much?” but of “what parts?”
I love the land and its plants and creatures, mountains, rivers and coasts. The environmental damage the industry does to them, and to the rest of the world, however, is terrible.
I love most of its ideals about freedom, liberty, justice, equality, fairness, and pursuit of happiness.
I love the warmth, humor and essential good intentions of most of its people. And the intelligence, tolerance, creativity, and many other good qualities of many of its people.
But I can’t stand many things that some people also label or associate with America, particularly when used to try to say that America means bad Christianity, or bad capitalism, or Anglo-Saxon-ness, or submitting to the injustices of our economy or bad laws.
I also can’t stand the all-too-common racism, bigotry, xenophobia, ignorance, commercialism, intolerance, and the vilification of the poor and the not-extroverted. The political system has been perverted and abused far too much. The mainstream news media has been bought out. Too many movies have become way too stupid, too.