What should I put in a care package to my husband?
Asked by
JLeslie (
August 22nd, 2021
from iPhone
I have to send him something that he forgot, and there is still room in the box. Thinking I might add something unexpected. Something small.
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17 Answers
I remember chocolate chip cookies in college.
Photos from boudoir photo shoot. ;)
Send something that won’t melt in the heat. A cute note is nice.
How long is he away for? And is he staying in a hotel?
A book or magazine that he favors.
Cookies or, as janbb suggested, maybe a book or mag. A little love note might be jam up too.
I wouldn’t send food since it’s summer.
He’s living up there. We both will be going back and forth randomly. Covid just has us not doing that yet, trying to be cautious.
Well that’s very sweet of you! What are his stress releving hobbies? Most men have something so that should give you an idea. A tender note of appreciation is always welcome too!
Well, then, send him some little reminder of home, some small trinket or treasure of his that he will enjoy seeing in the new place.
Agree with @raum, polaroids!
A letter or note telling him how much he means to you.
Here’s what I added to the items I needed to send him:
A small plush toy puppy that he gave me a few years ago for valentines, a bottle opener, two fridge magnets (one is a small flashlight) a grip pad for opening jars, and some measuring cups. Most of that is just stuff we failed to pack when the movers were here. I also enclosed a card telling him that he’s my favorite husband :) that I miss him and that I sent him the puppy so he won’t be so lonely.
I’m thinking of some nice soap for his shower.
@jca2 That sounds like a euphemism. :P
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