Now that the FDA has granted full approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, what will be the next excuse antivaxxers will use?
Asked by
LuckyGuy (
August 23rd, 2021
It is no longer considered “Experimental.” That was one of the biggest excuses antivaxxers had for maintaining their right to spread Covid, clog up hospital beds, and increase medical insurance costs.
Now that the FDA has approved the vaccine what will their next excuse be?
(I doubt they will admit to being selfish and uncaring of others.)
Even the most staunch antivaxxer does not believe the Bill Gate magnetic tracker in the blood stream any more. Do they? (I hope!)
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14 Answers
They will use the excuse that it’s not as effective as first touted, thus a third shot is necessary. And who knows how many other booster shots will be necessary!?!
I personally will take every booster shot that is deemed necessary.
What I find hilarious with these people saying the vaccine is not FDA approved is that probably at least 50% of them are taking vitamins that are not FDA approved!
@chyna And they are willing to take any drug cocktail they hear about on FB, Epoch, or Fox news when they do get sick.
They say it is their right to not take it. OK I get that.
Well, it should be my right to not pay for their stupidity when they do get sick. I do not want to pay for ventilator time in the ER for unvaccinated people. That expense should come out of their own pockets or their public assistance checks.
“They” lied to us, because now “they” are saying that vaccinated people will need booster injections.
“They” lied to us, and now “they” are spreading more lies about a delta variant.
Hydroxychloroquine, mega-doses of vitamin D, and livestock de-wormers are effective for preventing and treating COVID, but a deep-state conspiracy is blocking use of such needed help.
Frankly Sir, I don’t give a damn.
It’s the FEDERAL Drug Administration. That means they’re part of the gubment. And you know what THAT means. They experiment on us.
I don’t think federal approval was ever going to convince any “anti-vaxer”. It might nudge some hesitant people, but committed anti-vaxers aren’t changing their minds for anything. Apparently Trump was booed at a recent rally of his in Alabama for urging people to get vaccinated. This issue has just become so political there’s no going back. People who are staunchly opposed to the vaccine have dug in their heels and government approval won’t change that.
What will change is that there will be more mandates.
These people are beyond help. Even a rare instance of Trump saying the right thing could not convince them.
If the Delta variant didn’t convince them then this approval will mean nothing to them.
Thanks! These are great answers. I expect to see similar quotes all over social media.
Here’s are a couple more good conspracies along those lines:
– The anti-vax rhetoric is all being spread by the left as a bid to instill fear in the right so they won’t get vaccinated and will die off sooner.
– The ultra-rightists are spreading anti-vax rhetoric in primarily Black and Brown communities so they will avoid the vaccine, get sick, and die off sooner. (Actually, this seems to be working quite well. Those communities have the lowest vaccination rates.)
“Oh, there will be side effects. They just haven’t discovered it. Give it time and you’ll see.”
Had an argument about the Covid bioweapon conspiracy with someone and it ended similarly. First they said it was for the Chinese to sell medical stuff, which I debunked by pointing out that they are now in competition with so many countries on that aspect. Then they said it was for the Chinese to take control of the South China sea, which I debunked by saying that it has been 2 years and they haven’t progressed any further. Then they said it was still too early to conclude anything.
The “give it time” argument has become an excuse for unreasonable belief now.
I heard another one.
“The vaccine is poison that will slowly kill you or take 5 years off your life.”
Since the vaccine has only been our for a year max there is absolutely no data.
There is much more real data to that shows obesity kills you , Cigarette smoking kills, Infections from that tattoo needle can kill you.
And there is lots of data showing Covid can kill you.
@LuckyGuy good point on the cigarette smoking having higher mortality rates as well as issues with second hand smoking.
I don’t think the anti-vaxers take it past their own personal belief. If only they took it a little further to understand that by not getting vaccinated you are not only putting yourself at risk, but also your closest contacts.
Perhaps we should compile all these excuses into a book.
“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”
― Isaac Asimov
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