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JLeslie's avatar

Are you under the impression that regarding covid more under age 65 are dying than over age 65 in the last few months?

Asked by JLeslie (65937points) August 25th, 2021 from iPhone

It’s August 25, 2021. It’s being reported a lot of younger people are getting hospitalized and dying now.

I had this conversation with someone earlier today. His impression was more younger people are dying than older people now. He said because older people are vaccinated.

I was just wondering what your impression is from whatever news reading or watching you do without doing any research.

I looked up Florida when I was chatting with this guy, but I don’t know any data beyond that.

To be clear this Q is more about how you interpret what’s being said in media (all types) rather than actual facts, but feel free to link any data if you choose to research it.

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