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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why does the Taliban want to stop people from leaving?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 26th, 2021

What IS their goal?

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19 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

They need workers, shop keepers, people to operate things. That is how economies work.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Can’t they turn themselves into worker bees?

kritiper's avatar

Control, for one thing.
It makes them look bad when all want to leave.
They don’t want to have the opposition to themselves leaving because they might want to kill them for being turncoats.
Just another way to make the US and allied forces look bad.

They could make themselves into “worker bees” but would probably starve to death before they could get it done satisfactorily. That’s their problem: they are fighters, not businessmen/shop keepers/ accountants.

ragingloli's avatar

Because rulers want subjects to control.
If they let people leave, not only will they have less people to lord over, the very act of them leaving would be a display of the Taliban’s lack of control.

Jaxk's avatar

They need people that know how to keep the country working. Keep the lights on, keep the water running, operate and repair all the equipment we’ve left behind. The Taliban (ISIS, AlQaeda, etc.) aren’t workers they’re fighters. They need the people that know how to fix and operate things. As an added incentive, killing people helps to make the US look bad.

jca2's avatar

They also need people to populate, so they need women to have babies and add to their numbers. Then the babies can be brought up with their beliefs and grow their strength.

kneesox's avatar

Is it the same reason as for North Korea? And was it the same for East Germany?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

1) They can claim a victory 2) they need a supply of unwilling slaves, whom they can forcibly convert, and turn back the clock 1,000 years.

LostInParadise's avatar

I don’t understand it either. They were perfectly fine with the deadline at the end of August. It allows them to get rid of their enemies. Why can’t we extend the deadline for a week or two?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Like they said above, if the population relocates enmasse there won’t be anyone.left to run their infrastructure.

flutherother's avatar

Some of them are people who worked for the Americans and the British. In Taliban eyes they are traitors and they want revenge.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Because they would be sitting ducks with no civilians to use for peace talks.
Like a hornets nest..when they are all in the nest then is the time to destroy it completley without innocents involved.

KNOWITALL's avatar

60 civilians and 12 Americans were killed at Kabul airport today.
Deadlines mean nothing to these people, and I would never believe a word they say.

kritiper's avatar

@KNOWITALL It’s most likely ISIS-K that did this. The same people we went to war against. People the Taliban were harboring, like Al Queda. The war isn’t over, folks. Get used to the idea!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s also a great big middle finger to the rest of the world, particularly the U.S.

rebbel's avatar

@KNOWITALL Apparently this was an attack by IS, in which, except for civilians, and American troops, also a dozen or so Taliban lost their lives.

KNOWITALL's avatar

All I’m saying is that the UK and France wanting to extend the deadline Biden set, doesn’t seem reasonable. The Taliban, IS, or whomever isn’t respecting the deadline obviously.

Over 5,000 US servicemen, as well as thousands of their own people, are still there waiting to get out. It’s just heartbreaking.

Patty_Melt's avatar

People seeing things first hand are refuting much of what is being reported.

Let me say in advance, I’m answering to share what I know. This is a q&a site, not a debate forum. Anybody who challenges me on this will go unanswered.

Women were being slaughtered at random. Men were so anxious about finding sex outlets, they have been observed killing women and little girls to have sex with the corpses. Women and girls attending schools are being set on fire alive. Do visualize primitive killers causing bedlam all around.

The US government gave taliban lists of who hold passports from the US, including addresses and contact information.
The state department suddenly stopped all evacuation flights. Civilian interests went with their own planes. Countries were instructed to not let them land. They had to turn some back, and could not load them again.
At least one civilian made home contact and said they received texts from taliban saying I know your home and phone number. We will kill you.

It is bedlam. It is real. It is deadly. It was orchestrated.

The truth will surface. Most of us hope it won’t be too late.

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