Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Is the "Milk Crate Challenge" going for the "Collective Darwin Award"?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) August 26th, 2021

Do you think, as do I, that the crates could be build higher?
Or, if not higher, close to the rocky coast of Oregon?
How far of are we, in years, or months, from witnessing the “Lemming Challenge”?
Have any Jellies participated in the challenge?
How far would you reach?

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4 Answers

cookieman's avatar

I saw it on TikTok last night and just laughed. Some poor sap (pudgy college kid) was being cheered on by his “friends” to get to the top of the pyramid.

Of course, once he did, he starts to wobble uncontrollably and falls on his face.

Dutchess_III's avatar

God no. I have brains.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Seeing cops do it makes me want to die

filmfann's avatar

I thought the Tide Pod Challenge was as stupid as people would get.
I thought the same thing with the cinnamon challenge.
I thought the same thing when Trump got elected.

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