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filmfann's avatar

Will you share how a past failure helped you succeed?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) August 26th, 2021

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6 Answers

Pandora's avatar

As in succeeding in life or succeed in obtaining wealth or a job? Not sure what you would quantify as success.

filmfann's avatar


RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I was granted disability when I dislocated my knee and I used that money to finish my high school with high enough marks to get into university.

rebbel's avatar

After my first relationship turned out ‘unsuccessful’ (in that it didn’t last), I did some introspection, during the years after, and tried to change/improve/adjust certain things, going in my new relationship (which I’m still in).
One thing, for example, was to open up about what’s bugging me (instead of stacking it all up inside), and another was to learn how to quarrel/‘fight’ (which I thought was barbaric and uncivilised, but is very healthy actually, in my opinion).

Forever_Free's avatar

Every failure helps me.

At night prior to bed, I relex on my day and what I could have done better or in a different way to have a better outcome. It could be complex or as simple as how I approached something or words I spoke that may have offended someone.

Cupcake's avatar

I was denied admission to grad school twice. I now have my PhD.

I left an abusive husband. I have now been married for 12 years in a very stable, healthy and happy relationship.

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