Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why are there no female peeping toms?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25195points) August 27th, 2021

Why are there no peeping chicks?

Why is it a guy thing? Or do women do it too?

humor welcome.

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61 Answers

chyna's avatar

<—-Female. I peep.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 do you miss having an audience?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yes. That’s one of the perks of being on Fluther.

cookieman's avatar

From what I know, crimes are committed by both genders. Maybe not equally, but there are always examples.

I personally know of a woman who domestically abused her husband and he was afraid to leave her for years. A role predominantly filled by males.

My wife had an older, female client (when she was a probation officer) who was a pedophile. Preyed on boys and girls — even her own grandchildren. This is not at all common.

I went to college with a girl who was (arguably) addicted to porn. Again, primarily a male thing.

I’m sure there are female voyeurs.

janbb's avatar

Maybe because there’s not much interesting to peep at? (low hanging fruit!)

chyna's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

Exactly @janbb. Who even wants to see that when they’re waving it all over the place anyway? It’s not like it’s a mystery.

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: If the fruit were low hanging, that would be interesting.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman Each to his or her own but I prefer my fruit to be more upright.

Forever_Free's avatar

@janbb Tall proud fruit!

janbb's avatar

^^ Did you know that penguins can blush? It’s a little known fact!

Forever_Free's avatar

@janbb I did know that fact. Penguins flush pink on their face, wings and feet to shed the heat when they are overheated.

janbb's avatar

^^ Or in some cases, they go to the beach!

Forever_Free's avatar

@janbb sounds just like the Jersey Shore on both parts. Blushing and fruit

janbb's avatar

We Jersey penguins are something special!

Inspired_2write's avatar

Maybe there are, just that they are better at hiding that fact?
Women watch men just as men watch women..just not obvioulsy as some men do.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We don’t ogle their privates. We look at their faces and examine their behavior.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Dutchess_III I suspect the normal male and female do just that.

It’s up to the peepers to divulge what they are peeping at when they peep other peeps.

gorillapaws's avatar

I do remember a video where a guy stuffed a sock down the leg of his pants and a hidden camera caught the reaction of women checking out the bulge and sometimes giggling with their friends. Not at all the same thing as straight-up peeping on people, but amusing none-the-less.

Forever_Free's avatar

People are strange when you’re a stranger
Faces look ugly when you’re alone

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Forever_Free. Well when a guy grabs your boob or your crotch or pinches your butt that’s a pretty good indication of what they’ve been looking at.

kritiper's avatar

There are. Has to be!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@gorillapaws….re your sock story. The women noticed, it would be hard not to, so sure they “looked”. Everyone looks at abnormal things, but I doubt they were sexually excited about it.
If they were giggling it was probably because they knew it was fake.

JLoon's avatar

There are.

Just not as many as the guys who are into it.

janbb's avatar

I’ve read and experienced that in general mean are more turned on by visuals than women are. Of course, there will always be exceptions.

JLoon's avatar

@janbb – I think I’ve seen some of the same research. There’s speculation it could be an artifact of early evolution, when male hunters had to watch for all kinds of tracks & signs in order to be successful.

gorillapaws's avatar

@JLoon ”...male hunters had to watch for all kinds of tracks & signs in order to be successful.”

“The fertile women went that way!”

JLoon's avatar

@gorillapaws – HA!! Yes we did :D

And the chase continues…

Forever_Free's avatar

@Dutchess_III Are you talking about an issue with former POTUS?

Forever_Free's avatar

@Dutchess_III your reference of “Well when a guy grabs your boob or your crotch or pinches your butt that’s a pretty good indication of what they’ve been looking at.” I wasn’t sure if you were referencing this

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I was just referring to the men who used to do that shit to me.
The Duck is a perv.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Lots of us do. We don’t get caught much because men just put on a show, and don’t freak out.
Note to the show offs, the naked view from behind is not the joy men get from the same view of women.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where are you that men get naked and “show off” @Patty_Melt?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Women aren’t pervs. or are at least much less pervy than we are.

raum's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Have you met @ragingloli? :P

janbb's avatar

@raum Some of us contend that loli is a guy.

JLoon's avatar

@Nomore_lockout – loli isn’t a perv! He/she/(insert prefered pronoun) is just unconventential.

I’m the one you should worry about ;)

raum's avatar

@janbb What?!? I thought loli was female. You’re messing with my Fluther world perspective.

@JLoon I’m not worried about pervs or kinks. ;)

JLoon's avatar

@raum – You’re so well adjusted. How did you end up here?

Dutchess_III's avatar

WHAT?????!!!! :D

JLoon's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Can’t talk now…on my way to church ;p

Dutchess_III's avatar

You gonna burst into flames ya know!

flutherother's avatar

It happens all the time but men never complain about it.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Yon @JLoon wench shall be seized and taken before the Grand Inquisitor, where she shall be charged with speaking foul thoughts before Sabbath. Then shall she be burned, unless she comfesseth in which case she shall only be burned a little. ; )

JLoon's avatar

@Nomore_lockout – Verily I confess my wenchlyness. Therefore burn me only a little – with that patchouli candle wax… in those places where I’m most sinful.


Nomore_lockout's avatar

So shall it be done. Take her forth for perverted pleas uh, I mean take her hence for punishment. The Holy Brotherhood of Toledo will wear white hoods, appropriate to male purity, with only teenie peepholes from which to watch, uh, witness the punishment.

kritiper's avatar

@Dutchess_III Do you think women are exempt somehow from being peepers? Why? Because the odds are there has to be peepers. There are just too many women to simply rule out the possibility. Simple as that!

raum's avatar

@JLoon LOL I don’t know which is funnier. Wenchlyness or the notion of me being well-adjusted?

Dutchess_III's avatar

You being well adjusted @raum!

Because the vast majority of us have no interest in your dicks @kritiper. Or your butts. Or your chests. All that gets thrown at us all the time whether we want it or not.

kritiper's avatar

@Dutchess_III For the question at hand, it doesn’t matter how men are or how we look at women. The question became “Are there ANY women who peep at men?” and I simply answered honestly and logically.
It is obvious that you have issues with men and how we men deal with, and look at, and consider, women. I don’t deny that, and you have no need of attempting to explain it to me, or anyone else, especially men.

JLoon's avatar

@Everyone – I think this has turned out to be a much more interesting (and fun) question than expected. Most of us answering have said a lot about our own attitudes, and made educated guesses about the facts.

But for the record, there are literally hundreds of clinical and statistical studies that have looked the behavior we’re all talking about – And findings overall show a fairly consistent pattern based on real numbers.

In general males were found to be roughly twice as likely to engage in vouyerism (peeping behavior) than women; with percentages ranging from 44% vs 22% to 63.6% vs 36.2%. Here’s a link to comprehensive 2021 report that reviews previous studies, and collects new data from a randomized sample of 1113 men and women :

Sex Differences in Voyeuristic and Exhibitionistic Interests: Exploring the Mediating Roles of Sociosexuality and Sexual Compulsivity from an Evolutionary Perspective

But don’t read this thing for the dirty parts. There aren’t any :(

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Nomore_lockout's avatar

@JLoon Dammit I poked bigger eye holes in my Inquisitor hood for no reason. No more leniency for you. I mean thou! ; )

JLoon's avatar

@Nomore_lockout – Doood! Didn’t your Holy Brothers tell you? They want more proof of my wenchlyness.

I’m working on it ;P

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Never fear, you shall be justly tried by a jury of of male clerics, then tied to a chair whence we shall toss you in a pond. Should you drown, we will know you were guilty. Should you survive, then somewhat less guilty. You shall only have a charge of cavorting with familiar spirits. I know, sometimes you can’t catch a break. : )

JLoon's avatar

Ooooh! Lemme get ready…

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Lol @JLoon. I must say the gown you justice : )

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Does you justice I meant. Stupid typos.

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