General Question

smudges's avatar

What are your thoughts on Sirhan Sirhan receiving parole today?

Asked by smudges (11399points) August 27th, 2021

Two of RFK’s sons spoke in favor of his release and the state prosecutors did not object to his release. He was originally sentenced to death in 1968, but that sentence was commuted to life when the California Supreme Court briefly outlawed capital punishment in 1972.

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19 Answers

chyna's avatar

If RFK’s sons can forgive him and agree to his parole, then I’m okay with it.

Jeruba's avatar

I’d like to be as forgiving as @chyna, not to mention RFK’s family, but honestly, I wouldn’t want to cross paths with him in my neighborhood or grocery store. Assassinations—those of Lincoln, Garfield, both Kennedys, and others (not all presidential)—ripped away the futures we were moving toward and set us on darker paths.

My opinion counts for nothing in this matter, has no consequences outside my own mind, and so I can afford to say that I would be fine with leaving this guy in the dungeon forever.

rebbel's avatar

Was he the guy that was ‘brainwashed’ and or ‘programmed’ to kill someone?
If he was, maybe the software is still running?
Bit dangerous to set him free.

canidmajor's avatar

When will the governor decide?
I remember vividly both Kennedy assassinations, I am personally not that keen on his release.

Jeruba's avatar

Exactly, @canidmajor. They’re not ancient history to me either. This man is not responsible for what Oswald did on 11/22/1963, but the two crimes, especially striking two members of the same family, and coupled with the assassination of MLK, were blows from which my generation never really recovered. What is the benefit to society of letting him out?

filmfann's avatar

Wow. He should NOT be paroled. I don’t believe the conspiracy theories here.

Jeruba's avatar

@filmfann, conspiracy theories here? You mean in this thread? What conspiracy theories do you see in this thread?

jca2's avatar

He’s not paroled yet. The governor has to weigh in, and other formalities have to take place first.

YARNLADY's avatar

It doesn’t seem right to me.

flutherother's avatar

I wouldn’t feel comfortable if he was released. His crime has affected the lives of every one of us down to the present time and he should hang his head in shame. I don’t want him walking the streets and smiling as though nothing really happened.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Other than not having to pay for his $50,000 per year “room and board” for the next 15 or 20 years I don’t see how it benefits society.
If he stays in the US he will likely be on some form of public assistance. If he goes back to Jordan or other Palestinian leaning nation he will likely be regarded as a returning warrior and considered a hero while the US would be considered weak.
That is the wrong message to send.

gondwanalon's avatar

That SOB should have been executed in ‘68.

canidmajor's avatar

@Jeruba I saw discussion of conspiracy theories this morning on the news, a multiple shooter theory.

smudges's avatar

He was granted parole yesterday, but yes, there’s a 90-day review period, after which the governor weighs in.

Jeruba's avatar

Two of RFK’s sons have spoken for granting parole, yes. According to yesterday’s news, six of his other children have come out strongly against it. That leaves three without a public commitment. Even if all three favor parole, it’s not enough to claim the majority of RFK’s eleven.

@canidmajor, but not in this thread. @filmfann said “here,” and I would really like to know if he thinks @chyna, @rebbel, you, or I were talking conspiracy.

filmfann's avatar

Here meant in this case, not on this fluther page.

canidmajor's avatar

@filmfann and @Jeruba that’s what I figured, in this case, not this thread.

Forever_Free's avatar

I hope the Governor does not let him out.
Once a liar, always a liar
I read his case at length when I was a kid. He fired all 8 of the bullets in his gun. Five other people were besides RFK. He was wrestled to the floor after the shots and got loose, grabbed the gun again and tried to fire again, but all shots were fired.
Keep him in at all costs.

filmfann's avatar

He has been approved for parole, but this decision has to be reviewed by the full board, and approved by the Governor. And let me tell you, Gavin Newsom knows how to read the room.

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