General Question

rebbel's avatar

Any Jellies that have used rebounders/trampolines for (home) exercise/health?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) August 29th, 2021

If so, could you elaborate on how you used it?
Your experience with it?
The (health) benefits (if any)?
Thanks in advance!

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7 Answers

janbb's avatar

We had a big one in the back yard that was mainly for the kids to use. I went on it occasionally and it was indeed a work out. However, a big friend of my son’s fell off and broke his leg. They can be dangerous. I assume you’re talking more about the smaller ones that they use in gyms sometimes.

chyna's avatar

Years ago, a co-worker of mine was on one of the smaller ones and fell through and broke her leg. Eventually she had to have the leg removed at the hip. I’ve never been on one since that incident.
Sorry @rebbel, I know that’s not what you were asking. But I want you to be safe.

snowberry's avatar

When my children were little, A mini tramp was the only way I could get exercise. My son was hyper active, very tall for his age, strong and fast. Jumping on the mini tramp kept me fit so that I could chase him and actually catch him.

It works.

raum's avatar

We bought a Springfree trampoline during the pandemic for the kids to get their wiggles out.

It’s a crazy amount of money. But it’s the safest trampoline on the market.

Supposedly jumping for five minutes on a trampoline is equivalent to running a mile. But less wear and tear on the body.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Those were pretty popular here a decade or two ago, and yes, they work, but to me it’s a bit boring.
I’m also very clumsy and danger-prone, so it probably wasn’t the ideal exercise for me personally.

chyna's avatar

@KNOWITALL I am, too! I went to a step class that used rough, wooden steps and my shins were a bloody mess where I kept missing the step.

rebbel's avatar

Thank you Jellies!
Yeah, I was indeed asking specifically about the small, indoor ones (3 feet).
The one that I bought is one, not with springs, but with bungees.
Plus, a handle bar, to prevent from losing your balance (thank you, @chyna, for your concern,).
Apparently they do have many benefits, the exercises one does on them.
I was curious if there were Jellies that had used for a considerable amount of time, and found if that was indeed the case, the benefits.

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