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Mimishu1995's avatar

Do you think this movie deserve the hate (details inside)

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) August 29th, 2021

This was an old drama, but I have been thinking about it for a while and I want to know you guys’ opinion.

Back in 2018 there was a movie called The Third Wife yes, that’s the official English name. You can search it on Google. It’s set in feudal Vietnam and it’s about a woman who becomes a wife for a son of a rich family because his two other wives failed to give him a son. It’s about the drama she goes through in that home and how the pressure of having a son breaks the wives, and a lot of erotic situation involved. One of the wives in the house is only 13 years old, and played by an actual 13 years old. The movie was made to be an art project and screened in several film festivals and won some prices there, as far as I know.

Now I want to get this out of the way: at the time period of the movie, a 13-year-old in Vietnam was supposed to be fully matured and was eligible for marriage and having children. It was a social norm that few people questioned. So many people, myself included, didn’t have any problem with that character. The problem people had was with the 13-year-old actor who played the character. Like I said, there were a lot of scenes involving two people seducing each other. So when it was revealed that all the suggestive scenes with that 13-year-old wife were played by the actor herself, people were outraged. They said things like the movie was CP in art disguise or encouraging to pedophilia. There were still some people defending the movie. One argument for it was that the so-called “sex scenes” weren’t really sex scenes at all. It was just depictions of the wife trying to please the husband, so it was safe for a minor to play. The director came forward saying that she chose a 13-year-old for that role because she wanted authenticity, as she was trying to depict a dark period of history.

Nevertheless, the outrage was so big that the government banned the movie in Vietnam. It is still viewable in other countries. I heard that it got great reviews on movie sites, but no one outside of Vietnam has heard of it.

I haven’t watched the movie yet, but personally, I don’t know what to think of it. On one hand I really appreciate that someone tried to make an art movie that addressed a serious matter, and it was admirable given how most directors here only care about money. But on the other hand, the scandal really puts me off from giving the movie a try. And there were also speculations that the movie could actually be nothing but an award bait, and the scandal was staged to promote an otherwise forgettable movie.

What do you think about the whole thing?

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8 Answers

raum's avatar

Depicting standards from another generation is fine.

But it should have been cast using current standards. Casting a 13yo in that role is not appropriate IMO.

Though I would be more outraged at the parent of the 13yo actress.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@raum According to the film crew, the kid consented to the acting. The parents reportedly watched over her while she acted.

But yeah, a lot of people were outraged with the parents. Some even speculated that the parents coerced the kid into doing it.

raum's avatar

Kid is too young to consent to anything. This was the parents’ decision. And a poor one at that.

filmfann's avatar

I have not seen this movie.
There were similar criticisms of the german film The Tin Drum. Initially it won many prizes, but eventually was banned as child pornography.
I am not sure what the answer is here, but Quentin Tarantino had an interesting work around in Kill Bill. He simply changed from live action to anime during a sequence that involved a child having sex.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Yes, because it gives ideas to those that would see it as ok.
Its NOT acceptable and promoting it is irresponsible on the Movie industry as well.

flutherother's avatar

I hadn’t heard of the film though it has won awards and been given good reviews. I think that asking a 13-year-old girl to act in sex scenes was wrong however. If a 13-year-old was considered to be fully mature, why not get a fully mature woman to act the role.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thank you for your answers. So the majority of you here agree that it was a horrible move from the director. Now my only question is how the movie managed to get so many prizes and accolades despite the scandal.

raum's avatar

Not the first time that abuse has been overlooked in the name of art.

Bertolucci and Brando both won awards for Last Tango in Paris.

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