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JLeslie's avatar

Ed Asner died. Do you have any favorite scenes or any comments in his memory?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) August 29th, 2021 from iPhone

Here is a recent one on one with him.

He was a great actor and stood up for causes like the Equal Rights Amendment.

I watched him in Mary Tyler Moore and Lou Grant growing up.

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12 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I thought he was generally great, and loved him in The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

filmfann's avatar

His Ed Grant was on a comedy show, then transplanted to a tv-drama. No easy trick.
He was also great in JFK as Guy Bannister.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Very versatile actor, and I enjoyed him on Mary Tyler Moore as well. RIP Ed!

Forever_Free's avatar

The Mary Tyler Moore Show episode where he interviewed Mary for the job.

Great scene where the interview ends with him saying:
“You know what?” “You’ve got spunk!”

“Well, yeah,” responds Mary.

He then replies : “I hate spunk!”

JLeslie's avatar

@Forever_Free Oh yeah! Doesn’t he ask her if she’s married? She doesn’t want to answer and then he asks her religion? I vaguely remember how it went.

I can hear my mom’s laughter thinking about that show. The last episode when they all move across the floor together in the huddle. That sticks in my memory.

cookieman's avatar

I watched him in reruns of the Mary Tyler Moore Show and remember liking that show quite a bit.

Ed Asner registered more for me later as a character actor who popped up here and there. “Oh look, it’s Ed Asner.”

I really connected with him when he voiced the main character in Pixar’s Up. I just love that movie in general and Asner was great in it. I dare anyone not to cry after the opening sequence.

JLeslie's avatar

@cookieman I don’t think I ever saw the end of Up. It made me too sad, I think I turned it off.

cookieman's avatar

@JLeslie: It is beautifully sad, but also hopeful and funny (“SQUIRREL!?”). Ya gotta be in the mood for that kind of Pixar movie.

The more recent Soul (with Jamie Foxx) is similar in tone.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I vividly recall watching a televised interview with him, many years ago, when he said that his name is Eddie, not Ed, and that he disliked the shortened form. He always wanted to be called by his full name, Eddie Asner, yet his film and professional credits always used “Ed Asner.” Print and broadcast journalism did the same.

Very comparable to John Unitas and Jack Robinson…

filmfann's avatar

Ugh! I hate rereading a post and noticing a mistake too late to correct.
I should have said Lou Grant.

JLeslie's avatar

@Love_my_doggie That sounds so familiar to me about the Eddie Ed thing. I must have seen that interview. His Hebrew name was Yitzhak, and in the article I linked he says it was transliterated to Eddie.

SnipSnip's avatar

I loved Mr. Grant. He and the Mary Tyler Moore character were absolutely a perfect match. Opposites with 100% respect for each other. I think that may be gone from society now.

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