General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How fast do you build up a tolerance to DPH (benadryl)

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13770points) August 31st, 2021

I have been taking 100mg past 2 nights. I love the feeling it gives me and it helps me. I don’t want to get dependent on it, so how often do I need to give myself breaks?

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7 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m not a doctor and can only speak from my own experience.
I have allergies and occasionally take Benadryl in the evening to reduce symptoms
I only take 25 mg (1 pill ). If I wake up in the middle of the night with symptoms I will take another with a little bit of food. After that I don’t take any more. I do not want to be groggy during the day.

My plumbing is different from yours. But, I have noticed that it is difficult for me to urinate when I take DPH. I figure anything that has that effect on my body cannot be healthy to take for a sustained period.

smudges's avatar

You say it helps you. It helps you what? Feel good? Get high?

Although online challenges may encourage it, it is not safe to take more than the recommended dosage of Benadryl. Doing so can lead to overdose and severe symptoms, including abnormal heart rhythms, hallucinations, seizures, and even death in rare cases.

Are you playing around with online challenges? Are you still drinking alcohol while taking it like you were a week ago? Is there a reason you come here to ask these types of questions instead of googling or asking a pharmacist? Talk to your doctor. Most of us aren’t doctors or nurses, and even if we were, we wouldn’t give medical advice online to someone we don’t know.

Added: In your tarot question at one point you say, “I am a little out of it right now.” I just have to say, I kind of feel like you’re playing games or looking for attention. Did you ever see someone about your ‘self-diagnosis’? Because questions like this and attention-seeking behaviors are very much a symptom of borderline personality disorder. I’m not a doctor, but I do have a BA in Psych and have worked in the field.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

LOL I’m not playing around. Yeah I was fucking around last night with the tarot cards. I took some to feel a bit numb.

I don’t need or want attention. Not playing games either? not sure how I would be

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Less of wanting attention, more of wanting to leave reality for a bit. I just asked to see if anyone knew, but I will google next time.

smudges's avatar

Trust me, I was addicted to drugs on and off for 25 years, and alcohol for 35 – treatment, inpatient, the whole deal many times, and it began just because I wanted to ‘check out’ from the world for a while and get a little numb. I didn’t start with coke, meth and acid, but that’s where it led me, because getting a little numb from legal meds doesn’t work after a while. I feel like I’ve lost my life, like it’s been pretty much a waste because I was drunk or high through the best years we have. I saw the !Rolling-fucking-Stones! and barely remember even being there. I took a 2 week vacation in the mind-bending beauty of Yellowstone and only remember bits and pieces of it, like the bison that walked past my rolled-down window so close that I could have touched it.

I’m not lecturing or criticizing. I’m simply relaying what happened to me. I started as a teenager who liked the feeling I got from pharmaceuticals, and my brain didn’t function correctly again until I’d been sober for about 6 months – in my late 40’s. Best years of my life were gone; I’d missed out on so much.

I apologize for coming across harshly in my earlier post and I didn’t intend to say you shouldn’t come here to ask questions. I was concerned that you needed help, but forums can only do so much. I don’t want you to later regret the decisions you’re making now. I know now that I had psych issues way back then, but my parents didn’t address them/see them, and I was just a kid. When I finally began getting psych help, I was still doing the drugs and alcohol, so the therapy didn’t really help, except for it probably kept me alive.

Based on posts you’ve written, I’d say you could benefit from therapy – actually, everyone can. I really hope you’ll find someone you can talk to. Peace.

flutherother's avatar

While it seems a pretty safe drug to take there are dangers in taking anything just because it makes you feel good. My advice to you, based on this and previous questions, is to take only what is prescribed by a doctor.

SnipSnip's avatar

I have only taken it a handful of times. One little pill puts me to sleep for 12 or more hours. Luckily I rarely need it.

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