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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Do you have any questions for my Tarot cards?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13770points) August 31st, 2021

Just for fun because I impulsively spent $52 on them. Don’t ask why. I just did.

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37 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Once again, just for fun!!

kneesox's avatar

Does the question have to be framed a certain way?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

~Try not to be vague
~ No “when will I die” “Does he love me” type stuff.
~ Don’t ask “should I” like ” Should I do x” more like “what do I need to know if I did x”

MakeItSo1701's avatar

For example:
What do i need to see today?
What do I need to know about a situation?
what spiritual lesson do I need to learn?

JLoon's avatar

What can I do to find my missing socks?

JLoon's avatar

How should I plan for my next alien abduction?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I love it! I am just messing around here so I will try:

I shuffled and for “what can I do to find my missing socks”? I got the card “The magician”
Summary from booklet:
You have a lot of potential to succeed and you are manifesting dreams into reality!!

So manifest your socks.

For alien abduction: Eight of wands
All your hard work is paying off! You are ready to jump in and be swept off your feet.

I don’t even know how to interpret that last one lol.

I am a little out of it right now

JLoon's avatar

Why does everything I need always cost more than $52 ?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I don’t know. I also bought crystals for Chakras. I was really in a bad mood so I bought stuff

JLoon's avatar

Well I think you’re onto something.

I feel more in touch with myself already.

If you know what I mean…

JLoon's avatar

But okay, I’m serious now:

How much of my past will be like my future?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

So for this I chose the “Past – Present – Future” by pulling 3 cards

Past: “The Hanged Man”
You are breaking old patterns, letting go, surrendering, and releasing old mental and behavioral patters that no longer serve you, in order to discover and embrace new perspectives and opportunities

Present: Seven of Pentacles
You are putting in time and energy now for longer term rewards and have a strong desire to invest in sustainable results. You are cultivating and manifesting ideas and goals. Your hard work and efforts will be paying off, so you can harvest the profits and reap the rewards in the future. Your long-term vision will come to fruition.

Future: Four of wands
You are surrounded by community spirit and happy families. You are feeling welcome and in harmony. This is the time of reunions, family get-togethers, celebrations, teamwork, and prosperity.

JLoon's avatar

I like that a lot.


Pandora's avatar

Will my dream for my son ever come true? I dreamt he was visiting one Christmas with his son.

gorillapaws's avatar

What do I need to know if I stole @JLoon’s and the rest of you guy’s missing socks?

kritiper's avatar

How many cards are in a Tarot deck? (I have two decks.)

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Mine has 78

kneesox's avatar

Maybe we should just channel all Fluther questions to you. Starting with the dream ones and the does-he-like-me ones.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I will take you up on that. Next one of those I see I’m pulling the cards out

kritiper's avatar

One of my decks has 22 cards plus two all black ones. The other deck has 26 cards. Which of the three decks is the real one?
What do the all black cards represent?

kritiper's avatar

Will the real Tarot deck please stand up?

kneesox's avatar

So let’s see what you get for this one:

How can I protect myself from people trying to take advantage of me?


How will buying stuff help me get out of a bad mood?
What should I consider when buying stuff?

Nomore_lockout's avatar

When will I win the lottery? Show me the Moolah

Pandora's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Wait in line. I’m still waiting for mine. LOL

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Pandora kind of tricky because it’s a yes or a no question. The card I pulled is this:
Knight of Swords
“You are ambitious and excellent at what you do, driven to success and present great leadership qualities. You are ready to jump in and seize the moment. You are a risk taker, exciting, forward thinking, and adventurous. Just be careful with being impulsive or impatient, it could lead to hasty decisions. You are not afraid to go against the flow. You are like a champion or a warrior charging into a battle”

Page of Pentacles (Reversed)
“You may lack focus or may be overwhelmed by work demands. You may be procrastinating, not taking advantage of opportunities, or holding yourself back from making your dreams come true. Trust that you have what it takes and focus on what you can learn from past mistakes. Today’s mistakes can lead you to tomorrow’s success.”

kneesox's avatar

@SergeantQueen so…I should start by making a few more mistakes? I can do that.

Not kidding, though, I am in a kind of hard place and having trouble knowing if I can trust anyone. If I had some idea how to tell who’s being honest and who’s manipulating me, that would be maybe even literally a lifesaver. Your cards won’t know the answer, but they just might plant a thought that helps me help myself.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@kneesox Four of cups
“There might be opportunities you are turning down and offers you are refusing. You can feel yearning and regret, and you are focusing on the negative too much. Meditate over this, and figure out what is important to you. Realizing what makes you bored and unhappy and doing something about it can bring a positive change to your life”

kneesox's avatar

@SergeantQueen thanks, I’ll ponder that.

I think you have a great idea with this thread, and I love the style you bring to it.

smudges's avatar

How do I find, or what is my purpose?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Just a reminder about Tarot cards.
If the person that you are reading for IS NOT handling the deck all the advice that is channeled is for YOU.
Difficult to read for others with out that personal connection by THEM picking out their own cards, that’s why in real time Card readers have appointments in person.
Just my opinion to be aware of this process.
Have Fun learning, but realize serious questions are being asked.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Huh. Lots of tarot readers on reddit do internet readings.

I mean this all for fun, as in don’t take the cards too serious. As yes, I don“t have a connection to you and you have not handled my cards.

For anyone interested however, I am using the Luna Somina deck

Also, fun fact. I impulsively bought 3 more decks. whoops.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Mom not happy. Says they are the Devil.

I hope I don’t come off insensitive in this thread! I know it is best practice to do it in person

kneesox's avatar

Hmm, I had a friend who was a real serious tarot card reader and he once did a layout (or whatever you call it) for me. I touched one of the cards and he scolded me, saying you never handle the reader’s deck because it changes the energy.

I thought readings were done in person so the reader could do a cold reading of you and pick up cues from your expression and reactions. Anyway, for centuries there was no other way.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@kneesox no offense, but your friend sounds really unpleasant. You are supposed to let the querent channel their energy into the card, not the other way. And also there is a lot more you can do other than scolding someone who clearly didn’t mean it.

I think readings should be done in person too, but that’s only because I ask several follow-up question to come to the most specific advice possible instead of the generic “your fate is sealed” judgement. Expect each reading with me to be like a therapy section :P

What grinds my gear is when someone just pick random cards like they don’t care at all. It’s very disrespectful, as if you are only here to tell me I’m being stupid for doing what I do. But I never retort anyone with that.

Btw this is my deck

Mimishu1995's avatar

@SergeantQueen anyone who says Tarot is a product of the Devil doesn’t know what they are talking about. While it’s true that Tarot had existed for a long time independent of any religion (in the form of my deck), things changed with Edward Waite, the creator of the Rider Waite Smith system (which seems to be what your deck is using). The guy was a Christian and he modified the old deck to fit his Christian belief, adding tons of Christian fables and mythology and philosophy into it. I would say Tarot at this point had become more Christian that less.

I don’t know if you can see this, but if you do, you can tell your mom that ;)

kritiper's avatar

“tarot… any of a set of usually 78 playing cards including 22 pictorial cards used for fortune-telling” -from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed.

My 1960 ed. of Webster’s said nothing as did my 1944 ed. of The New Century Dictionary.

My cards are all pictorial.

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