Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Would you like to find out, what German political parties you most align with?

Asked by ragingloli (52402points) September 2nd, 2021

You can find out here:

The quiz is in German, but I translated it for you.

The options, from left to right, are
agree – neutral – disagree

At the end of the quiz, you get to assign 2x weighting to questions that are more important to you.

At the bottom of that page, click on “weiter zur Auswahl der Parteien”, to get to the next page, where you can select parties to compare yourself to.

On that page, click the checkbox next to “Hier können Sie alle Parteien gleichzeitig auswählen”, to select all parties.

Then click on “Weiter zu Ihrem Wahl-O-Mat Ergebnis”, to get your results.

Here are the questions:

1. There should be a general speed limit on all highways.
2. Germany should increase its defence expenditures.
3. 16 year olds should be able to vote in federal elections.
4. Subsidies for wind energy should end.
5. The ability of landlords to raise rent should be curtailed more strongly.
6. Vaccines against Covid-19 should continue to be protected by patents.
7. The planned end of energy production using coal in 2038 should be postponed.
8. Everyone employed (by others or by themselves), should pay into the governmental pension insurance fund.
9. The right of recognised refugees to have their families move to the country should be abolished.
10. Revenue from digital services should be taxed.
11. The traditional family unit (father, mother, children), should be more subsidies than other life partnerships.
12. Donations from companies to political parties should continue to be legal.
13. University students should receive BAföG (financial support from the state), regardless of their parents’ income.
14. Dual citizenship should be allowed in general.
15. Official statements by government agencies should factor in different gender identities in the language they use.
16. The “Nord Stream 2” gas pipeline from Russia to Germany should be put into service as planned.
17. The solidarity tax, used to fund the reconstruction of East Germany after reunification, should be abolished.
18. Muslim government employees should be allowed to wear a head scarf at work.
19. Registration of new cars with combustion engines should be allowed into the far future.
20. The federal government should have greater control over the states’ education policies.
21. The federal government should more stronly fund projects combating anti-semitism.
22. Chinese companies should be barred from participating in communication infrastructure projects.
23. The state should continue to collect the church tax. (a tax collected from employees, then distributed to churches)
24. Regulated sale of Cannabis should be legalised.
25. Germany should exit from the European Union.
26. Parties’ lists of political candidates should have a mandatory 50/50 split between men and women.
27. Medical treatments in hospitals should continue to be billed using flat fees. (charged per type of illness, regardless of time spent, intensity of treatment, or number of staff involved)
28. Large wealth should once again be taxed.
29. Facial recognition software should be allowed to be used for video surveillance of public spaces.
30. Married couples without children should also be taxed less.
31. Organic farming should be subsidised more than conventional farming.
32. Islamic associations should be recognised by the state as religious communities.
33. The carbon tax for CO2 emissions should increase more than planned.
34. The ban on incurring debts in federal and state budgets should remain part of the constitution.
35. Asylum should continue to be granted only to political refugees.
36. Federal minimum wage should be raised to at least 12€ in 2022 at the latest.
37. Air travel should be more strongly taxed.
38. Companies should decide for themselves, whether to allow their employees to work from home.

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41 Answers

rebbel's avatar


Die Grünen.

Did you miss a word in 11?

Die Tierschutzpartei wurde 1993 gegründet und setzt sich für einen konsequenten Umwelt- und Tierschutz ein. Sie ist zudem eng mit der Friedensbewegung und anderen Bürgerinitiativen verbunden. 2014 und 2019 erreichte sie jeweils ein Mandat im Europaparlament.

ragingloli's avatar

I guess it should have been “more subsidised.

rebbel's avatar

@ragingloli I guessed it did.
No biggie.

For those who don’t read German; my party is the Animal Party (not Die Grünen (Green Party), as I assumed before.
It’s funny because I get that in Holland too, whenever I do these quizzes.
Usually Green, Animal, Left, More Left.

I’m a bit curious as to what party, or direction, @ragingloli‘s result would be…

ragingloli's avatar

Very much left.
During the last run, I got DiB, followed by the Greens, the Vegan/vegetarian party, and The Left.
The 70%+ group also includes the Pirate party, the Socialists, the Marxist Leninists, and the Communists.
Naturally, the AFD is in last place, thankfully.

Brian1946's avatar

Although I don’t think any highways should have any speed limits, my apparent affiliation is with the Baader–Meinhof Group. ;-D

JLoon's avatar


So if I pass this thing does it mean I get a visa – Or do I just hang out at your place & sleep on the couch?

ragingloli's avatar

No, you just get to find out whether you are a Communist or a Nazi.

flutherother's avatar

Top two SGP and Menschliche Welt

Bottom two AfD and BP

JLoon's avatar

@ragingloli – Nazi or Communist…those are the only outcomes?! I thought you guys were way more progressive.

I’m gonna Loonerize your survey ;p

ragingloli's avatar

I was being facetious.
The quiz is an official release by the Federal Agency for political education.

JLoon's avatar

@ragingloli – That’s even more frightening.

But I’ll take it anyway. Danger is sexy.

kneesox's avatar

@ragingloli, are you starting to like us?

ragingloli's avatar

Where did you get that idea?

kneesox's avatar

Oh, I don’t know. You’ve always found us interesting. But lately you seem…mellower. Willing to play a little, in an almost friendly way. And more self-disclosing. Was I wrong? Sorry. Carry on.

ragingloli's avatar

Must be the microchip in the vaccine.

JLoon's avatar

Und V-Partei, und Die Partei.

Ich bin ein schlau Schlampe ;)

Kropotkin's avatar

V-Partei³ 77%

AfD 28.4%.

Are AfD the fascists?

ragingloli's avatar

They are. The NPD are, too.

rebbel's avatar

Would be interesting, I feel, if some more right leaning Jellies want to do this quiz.
Since these Jellies (most of them) have only two choices (in the USA), they are likely to go for Reps, but in Germany there’s more parties on either side, so it would be interesting to see whether one is more to the center or more to the extreme direction.

Brian1946's avatar

Linke 84.8%: The party advocates democratic socialism and the expansion of the welfare state and sees itself as a peace party advocating nonviolence.

That seems fairly accurate for me, but the “expansion of the welfare state” could merely be a tool to prevent the overthrow of capitalism, such as FDR did in the 30’s.

V-Partei 82.1%: It calls for a bio-vegan orientation in agriculture, the long-term withdrawal from livestock farming and the improvement of consumer, climate and animal protection.

AfD 24.1%: The AfD was created in 2013 to protest against financial aid for economically struggling EU member states. By criticizing the asylum and refugee policy, it has increasingly distinguished itself as a right-wing populist protest party. It is represented in all German state parliaments and in the Bundestag.

24.1% seems a tad high for me, although if I have to drop my fascination with the Autobahn to lower it, I’ll pass for now. :P

GQ: I really appreciate the work the OP did in forming this question.

tinyfaery's avatar

Green 83.3 %
The Party 82.3% (This seems to be a satire party so not sure what this says about me.)
Animal Welfare 80.2%
The least was AfD at 28.1%

I chose neutral as a response to a several questions because I just have no idea what the issue revolves around. Not sure how it effected the overall outcome.

I guess I’m a communist and not a Nazi.

JLoon's avatar

@Everyone – Now that I know how my inner frauline votes, I want all red-blooded Americans who think Repubs and Dems just take turns screwing the rest of us to step into the future with The Glorious PARTY OF WORK, RULE OF LAW, ANIMAL PROTECTION, ELITE PROMOTION, AND GRASS ROOTS DEMOCRATIC INITIATIVE!! :

And death to anyone who thinks who they’re not serious.

Have a nice day Citizens.

Kropotkin's avatar

More of my top results:

V-Partei³ 77%
Die Tierschutzpartei 74.3%
Piratenpartei 74.3%
Die PARTEI 74.3%
DiB 73%
ÖDP 73%
Die GRÜNEN 71.6%
du 70.3 %

I presume these are the parties with policies and ideas that are more objectively correct than the others, and probably have almost no national support.

ragingloli's avatar

“I presume these are the parties with policies and ideas that are more objectively correct than the others, and probably have almost no national support.”

With the exception of Die Grünen, yes.

Brian1946's avatar


“And death to anyone who thinks who this they’re not serious.”

:-0 Is that a mannequin or an alluring tongue parasite in your mouth? ;-0

JLoon's avatar

@Brian1946 – Ooooh Brian! Thanks for calling me an alluring parasite ;p

I try.


flutherother's avatar

Politik ist das, was man macht, um nicht zu zeigen, was man ist, ohne es zu wissen.

rebbel's avatar

@Kropotkin In the Netherlands, the Party for the Animals occupies 6 seats of the 150 seats parliament.
We do have many parties in parliament though (I think around 12 actually 16).
We had elections in March 2021,and we are still without a government.
It’s not likely we will have one soon…

Brian1946's avatar


You’re most welcome! I’m sure that’s why the shark let you come inside its mouth. :p

JLoon's avatar

@Brian1946 – Yes. Usually it’s the other way around.

But I’m politically conscious now.

Kropotkin's avatar

@rebbel You’re probably better off without one.

raum's avatar

76.3%……DIE LINKE


Am I a communist or a Nazi?
(I selected neutral on a bunch because I wasn’t familiar with the issue.)

ragingloli's avatar

Die Linke are the successor party to the former East German SED, so yes.
Total commie, you.

Zaku's avatar

It says:

80.4% V-Partei³ (I’m so Green, it thinks I’m vegan!)
78.3% Piraten (! Shiver me timbers! )
78.3% PARTEI
78.3% Grünen
78.3% DiB
77.2% Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei
76.1% Tierschutzpartei
41.3% Liberal-Konservative Reformer
40.2% Christlich CDU / CSU
34.8% Bayernpartei
33.7% Bündnis C – Christen für Deutschland LOL
25.0% Alternative für Deutschland

Brian1946's avatar

Have any of the above participants weighted any of their responses?

rebbel's avatar

Yes, I did.
9. The right of recognised refugees to have their families move to the country should be abolished. (don’t agree)
35. Asylum should continue to be granted only to political refugees. (agree)

raum's avatar

@ragingloli My commie grandfather would be so proud. This question is brilliant. Thanks, loli.

@Brian1946 I did not choose two weighted questions.

ragingloli's avatar

I guess I did not word it clearly enough.
You can give an answer a weight of a factor of 2, to as many answers as you want

raum's avatar


You worded it just fine.
My reading skills suck.

Kind of stressed about stuff.
Brain hasn’t been working quite right.

Brian1946's avatar


“My reading skills suck.”

I sinceriously doubt that.

It took me about an hour to take the survey, because I had to keep tabbing back and forth between it and @ragingloli‘s translations. It also took me awhile to get my bearings on each page, and my only distraction was the weather forecast on TV.

Also, this whole f*****g thread has been Loonerized! ;-0

Zaku's avatar

@Brian1946 “Have any of the above participants weighted any of their responses?”
– Yes, I did:

4. DISAGREE: Subsidies for wind energy should end.
6. DISAGREE: Vaccines against Covid-19 should continue to be protected by patents.
7. DISAGREE: The planned end of energy production using coal in 2038 should be postponed.
12. DISAGREE: Donations from companies to political parties should continue to be legal.
16. DISAGREE: The “Nord Stream 2” gas pipeline from Russia to Germany should be put into service as planned.
29. DISAGREE: Facial recognition software should be allowed to be used for video surveillance of public spaces.
31. AGREE: Organic farming should be subsidised more than conventional farming.
33. AGREE: The carbon tax for CO2 emissions should increase more than planned.

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