With all the people passing away from C19 why are some so reluctant on getting the vaccine?
Asked by
September 3rd, 2021
I don’t get it.
These idiot conspiracy theories, no it won’t take over your mind and make you a zombie for the government.
Besides the few blood clot cases from the one brand ,if that scares you here is an idea don’t get that brand.
We are going back into restrictions, because mostly young people don’t feel they need to get vaccinated.
why can’t people see that getting vaccinated protects everyone?
Or do we want to wear the masks forever?
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IQ of less than 85 !
. . . or they love Trump more than life !
Ya know I keep wondering if politics plays a role in these idiots not getting the vaccine?
It seems something bad has to happen to a loved one, or other family member, to shake them out of their complacency.
Because the people dying are old, or unhealthy, or not eating right, or fat, and the people not getting vaccinated are supermen and women and they won’t die.~
Plus, catching the virus is a maybe, and dying is a maybe, but putting the shot in your body is a definite that you just put a foreign substance in your body.
Oh, and there is that whole thing about if you have faith in God you don’t have to worry about the virus. When it’s your time to go it’s your time.
Just to make a few.
It’s easier to complain about something than actually do something.
Tropical Willie is right, only half the people are above 100 on the I Q scale, the rest are below.
Dying seems less important than admitting they were wrong.
gives new meaning to the term “Dead Wrong”
A lot of them I hear on social media talking about the tiny percentage of people who actually die. I think unless it happens to multiple people that they know, they won’t take it seriously.
A friend told me his brother died from it. The brother worked with them at the family business, didn’t know he had it and gave it to 18 people at the job. I bet all those people are now believers. However, I see here and on Facebook, people denying the seriousness of it, denying the importance of mask wearing, and the importance of the vaccine, because it hasn’t touched them personally. Once they know a few people who got seriously ill, or died, they might take it more seriously.
It’s all a government hoax, don’tcha know? Or Bill Gates wants to watch us!
There’s all sorts of interesting correlates and theories on conspiratorial thinking. Too much for me to get into (I’m too lazy right now).
The basic motivation in this case is that people just don’t trust the government and authorities.
If conspiracists even trust that the pandemic is real (even Alex Jones accepts Covid is real, to the chagrin of some of his fans who now think he’s a sellout shill for the NWO.) then they do not trust the efficacy or the role of the vaccines, because they don’t trust the authorities and governments administering them.
Interestingly, and this was demonstrated on another related thread by a certain someone, is that conspiracists, despite using sloppy intuitive thinking to reach their fearful and incorrect conclusions, do like to couch their arguments with a lot of “science” and fairly elaborate (but not logical) reasoning.
With all due respect, @SQUEEKY2, and I mean that, hasn’t this question been asked and answered by numerous opinions many, many times already?? I just can’t believe we’re still wondering and talking about why people aren’t getting vaccines. It’s been talked to death.
So I guess @smudges we let it rest and go to our perspective corners?
Like who cares if these antivaxxers are endangering other as well as themselves by being stupid and not getting the jab.
At least some part is probably that many have been anti-vax for a long time and don’t want to reverse their position. When they have preached the virtues and higher morality of being against vaccines to anyone and everyone it’s simply hard to admit that they were wrong and were duped by conspiracy culture. If they do that they’ll be forced to start reversing some of the other tripe they were preaching.
What blows my mind are people who won’t take the vaccine because they “don’t know what’s in it,” but will take a livestock dewormer. COVID IS NOT A PARASITE FOR ONE THING! Idiots.
@SQUEEKY2 Well, yeah, when it becomes clear that we’re just rehashing the same question over and over. We’re simply speculating and giving out opinions on the same thing without ever getting a definitive answer because there is no definitive answer. There are many reasons why people aren’t getting vaccinated, and every thread that asks what it is gets the same opinions. Look back at the questions for the past…oh, I don’t know…six months? longer? and you’ll see the exact same answers being given to almost the exact same question – why aren’t people getting vaccinated? I dunno. {{shrugs}} Maybe it makes people feel better or like they’re doing something by coming here and talking about it.
Half of young voters didn’t bother, in 20 fucking 20. Even though the social consequences are greater than refusing this vaccine and the cost less, they still just didn’t bother. I think there’s a communication or a competence issue, but if voting trends are anything to compare by, our young adults have never been reliable citizens, as a whole. Well maybe when there’s a war, but otherwise, the concept of citizenship and responsibility to the group just seems less important when you’re young.
Because they don’t value their life. nuff said
I think we overlook the fact that education has been defunded for 40 years and civic engagement has always been low. The conspiracy theories and bullshit are for the real assbags, but most people just believe what they they want so that they dont have to be too critical of their choices. We all do this, just about different things.
Again. It’s not the education system. It’s the parents and the culture who have the most influence.
The eduction system has been in tatter for years. Parents that can’t teach or understand critical thinking is a result.
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