Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you feel you have to add your input on questions that have been asked a million times?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) September 6th, 2021

A few topics have been asked to death.
Political questions about Trump.
Views and opinions about abortion.
Questions about Covid19 and the vaccines.
Gun control.
When you see these questions reappear do you feel you have to add your discontent ,or can you simply skip it and let people that want to answer have at it?

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21 Answers

kneesox's avatar

Like dogs with fire hydrants, some folks.

Or this:

I know, sometimes I get sucked in too, but I do try not to.

What bugs me more than this is the guys who, instead of answering a question, mock or disparage the question itself, or scoff at the asker, or get indignant that somebody dared to ask them personally that question. Hey, you can just skip a question if it’s not to your liking.

canidmajor's avatar

I’m a little confused, @SQUEEKY2. I am not sure I understand your wording. Are not the “people who want to answer” the same as the people who generally answer?

kneesox's avatar

@canidmajor I thought he was distinguishing between people who have an appetite for the discussion and those who feel some obligation to insist on presenting their view yet again. They don’t want to respond so much as have to respond. I do think some consider it their duty to set everybody else straight. Repeatedly.

canidmajor's avatar

Ah. Well, I admit that their are a few issues that I am passionate enough about to do that. Guilty.

kritiper's avatar

I catch your drift. And I have had to answer questions with almost the same answers. It can’t be helped that some here, newbies or oldies, haven’t read the previous questions or answers.

canidmajor's avatar

“There”… my autocorrect is out of control!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

It truly depends on my energy level and schedule.

Honestly I joined to gain various perspective’s so it’s often more productive for me to read/listen, rather than participate at times.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I am talking about people who will answer only to bitch about how worn out the question is.

janbb's avatar

So you’re disingenuously bitching about the fact that people bitch when you ask a question on a topic that’s been talked to death? Interesting approach.

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, OK, @SQUEEKY2, I didn’t know you meant that.

cheebdragon's avatar

Sure, Why not? You obviously don’t get tired of asking questions about the same topics ad nauseam.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So then who decides when a question has been discussed to death?
Then what, we never talk about said topic again, for fear we might annoy someone?We let it rest knowing we won’t ever agree on subjects like gun control, mandatory vaccines for a deadly virus.
Or control over a woman’s body about abortion?
We just go to our corners and growl at each other?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You can ask, we don’t have to answer.
What is your motive in rehashing emotional issues like your examples?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My motive is why do people answer these old topics just to bitch they have been talked to death??
Like you just said if the question is old,not your interest,or so on the best thing I can see is just skip it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Complainers are like cockroaches. Always a few in a big mansion like this. :)

kneesox's avatar

Oh. Well, to me that’s simply a subcategory of people who post on a question thread just to bitch about the question for any one thing or another, instead of actually answering it, as I said in my comment up top.

Those guys who want to monitor and complain about other people’s hobbyhorses are going to look for opportunities to do that. So they’ll always find you if you give them openings. Goes with the territory.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Not sure about push button issue Qs like that. I do often see one that will catch my interest, whatever the topic, then notice before I proceed, that it’s 9, 10, 11 years old. Fug it.

smudges's avatar

{{raises hand}}

He’s talking about me, but isn’t allowed to say so because of the mods. I believe I’ve only done that twice since I joined – once was recently to you about why people won’t get the vaccine. And I did so respectfully and genuinely, @SQUEEKY2. I wasn’t being petty or bitchy. I’ve never had an issue with you in any way, and have even joked with you. I hope you don’t allow this minor gripe to make me your enemy. So I didn’t like your question…am I not allowed to say so?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@smudges Generally we just skip it rather than discourage questions. As you can see some have very few answers.

kneesox's avatar

@smudges, I’m afraid there are many entrants in this category, going back a long way, so it’s definitely not all on you.

Zaku's avatar

It depends on what else has been said already by the time I consider responding. That’s true both for these sorts of questions, and others that I might have an answer to – if someone’s already said something close to what I’d say, or better, I tend to just give them lurve and move on.

As for “My motive is why do people answer these old topics just to bitch they have been talked to death??”, though I doubt Squeeky2 means me here, I see that I have done that, but only in questions which I considered richly deserving it, such as the repeated political questions (sometimes by the same users) on the same topics, which also seemed to me disingenuous, severely idiotic, intentionally time-and-energy-wasting, and/or trolling. I and people who know me say I generally have immense patience, and I often try to take questions that go in that direction as seriously as I can, but I have limits, which have sometimes been eroded by previous wastes of time on the same subjects.

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