If a woman slaps a man without justification, is it ok for him to hit her back?
I just saw a video of a woman slapping a US Navy sailor because she mistakenly believed he was engaging in stolen valor. He didn’t retaliate with violence, but it raised the question, would hitting her back been a justifiable act (morally/legally/culturally)? or is the “men should never hit a woman” thing always in effect no matter what? Why or why not?
I’m curious what both men and women think about this.
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26 Answers
It is not ok for anyone to hit anyone outside of a boxing ring.
It really depends on the fuller situation, and specifically, whether he has a reasonable reason to hit her, other than just retaliation. I think the answer in most actual situations is likely to be no, it’s not ok.
It is no more OK for him to hit her back than it was for her to hit him.
She’s an idiot. Most men would react by punching the shit out of her.
I don’t know.
If someone hit me, I would try to get away or reason with the person if it was an escalating thing. I cannot physically fight back (therefore I would never hit someone to begin with).
I kinda see the point in hitting back, you are standing up for yourself. But I also kinda think it is dumb. Why escalate a situation? I’d just try to get away if possible.
No. That is never acceptable. Shit happens, oh well. Maybe he deserves to be slapped (speaking rhetorically, not about the sailor) maybe not. Just tell her fucking adios and be on your way. If it isn’t justified.
If it is, then I guess it sucks to be you. Suck it up and do better next time.
It is never acceptable for male or female to strike another.
In a physical confrontation, self defense typically allows a person who reasonably believes he is about to be hit to defend himself. However, if you’ve already been hit, and the person who hit you indicates by words or actions that he is not going to hit you again, self defense generally does not allow you to hit that person back. Self defense may only be invoked to prevent further harm, not to retaliate against a person who has already harmed you.
Self defense also only allows for a proportional response. This means that if someone hits you with their fist, you may not necessarily be justified in pulling out a gun and shooting them.
I just know that I never had any use for a guy that would hit a woman. You want to play Billy bad ass, go start a fight in a bar with the biggest dude you can find. Might get your ass whipped, but at least you have the nuts to try it. Hitting a female make you a big man? Back in the day, I’d wake up in the morning with my face jacked up, and no clue what had happened the night before. More than once. So I was a belligerent idiot. But at least I can say I never stuck a female in my life. So better me than her. Fug it. I was usually over protective of girls I was with.
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No, it’s not OK to hit back.
Well that’s handled a little differently in my area.
The saying is ‘If you stand up like a man, you’ll go down like a man.’ Men are allowed to hit back or defend themselves, even if the aggressor is female. Depending on the situation, of course.
Usually other women stop it as soon as they see it, as that game is used often to get a man thrown in jail.
@KNOWITALL…all the man has to say is that she hit him and she goes to jail too, whether it’s true or not.
Luke 6:29
…To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also…
Not that I believe this stuff but it is a point of view.
Just sayin
@canidmajor Sadly that shrewish, entitled behavior is why others step in. Freakin’ Karens.
That behavior seems to be escalating, too @canidmajor. :l
I’ll stop being cute.
Men are generally larger and stronger than women.
Maybe its not fair but that is the way it is.
So generally speaking, a man who strikes a woman (absent legitimate self defense) in order to make a point is a bully. And a moron. For not figuring out how to deal with the problem without physical violence.
Sometimes you have to just suck it up. If they’re into you they are, if they aren’t they aren’t. Life sucks and then you die.
Yup, I’m an old timer. lol.
I am a woman so this is my opinion. If she slaps you reasonable, and the reason is acceptable, I don’t think so. But if she slaps you for no reason even after you ask her why or her reason is not acceptable at all, so then, yea, I guess you can. But, before you scroll down, it is better not to slap back, it does not show that you are weak, it shows that you are patience and nice. It is all your desicion ya.
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