Meta Question

klaas4's avatar

Why are all of our/my oldest questions gone?

Asked by klaas4 (2194points) September 13th, 2008

If you’d take a look at please, you see my very very first question is gone. It had to do something with a ‘bluetooth remote control for pda’. I can’t find it either… Anyone noticed this by themselves too?

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11 Answers

Nimis's avatar

Too new to notice.

scamp's avatar

Maybe there is a question limit, to save space?

swimmindude2496's avatar

This has happened to me also. I was wondering it did that.

El_Cadejo's avatar

It only shows our past 25 questions. Its like that in everyones profile. I personally dont like this at all, especially since the search function is next to useless so its pretty hard to find our older questions even if you knew exactly what you asked.

swimmindude2496's avatar

Yes because when i try searching I have found that the only way to find it is to type it in exactly. So say I wanted Can I Run Ubuntu? I couldn’t type Can I Ubuntu. It wouldn’t show. I would have to type run ubuntu. Then it would work.

jlm11f's avatar

see this Q to get the explanation. i asked the same thing 2 months back and the fluther team is aware of this

klaas4's avatar

My apologies for not have seeing that, PnL.

jlm11f's avatar

no problemo. i am sorry if i seemed “rude”. i didn’t mean to come off that way. i just wanted to let you know that the mods know about this and know that we don’t like it :)

klaas4's avatar

You certainly didn’t, I just didn’t search enough. Sorry!

JackAdams's avatar

New song:

Where have all the questions gone?
Long time passing,
Where have all the questions gone?
Long time ago,
Where have all the questions gone?
Young girls ask them, everyone,
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

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