Social Question

rebbel's avatar

In light of the necessary and inevitable climate change, and all the measures that need to be taken to reach it, would it not also be an idea to try to let people not make as many babies anymore?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) September 19th, 2021

Worldwide, nation by nation, proposal and campaigns to inform people of the importance of having fewer people inhabit the planet, by, amongst other things, teaching about the environmental footprint every human has?

Your idea/thought on this?

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18 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Totally agree, one of the many reasons we chose not to have kids.

product's avatar

@rebbel: “teaching about the environmental footprint every human has?”

The thing is – a human can have a minimal or large environmental footprint. It all depends on where this person is born. People who are born into societies with economic systems that demand perpetual and increasing consumption (US, Europe, etc) have a far greater impact on environmental destruction and climate change than those who don’t.

It can be tempting to talk about population control, but it can quickly turn into a very confused conversation unless we are talking about consumption. Not all humans consume resources at the same rate. If we were to ever talk about population control, it would have to start with the global north. Lecturing the victims of climate change about the number of kids they are having is pretty f*cked up.

janbb's avatar

I think the pandemic may be doing a good job of “reducing the surplus population” as Scrooge would say.

chyna's avatar

I did my part. No babies.

kritiper's avatar

So very true. And I did my part – No kids!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Me too. As far as I know.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, also we should stop giving vaccinations for everything and let nature do her job.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Vaccinations aren’t given for “everything” @YARNLADY.
Or are you proposing letting kids die from preventable diseases?

The 2 children, max, (1 to replace you and one to replace the partner) has been around since the 70s, at least.

YARNLADY's avatar

Cynically speaking, that’s what we are all headed for, an exercise in “survival of the fittest”.
Personally, I would rather see a sensible, scientific solution, but I don’t expect it.

gorillapaws's avatar

Raising the standard of living is the best form of birth-control. It’s non-compulsory, effective, and benefits everyone.

zenvelo's avatar

One critical problem tends to get overlooked in the zeal for zero population growth. That is: who will support the aged? As the population grows older, without compulsory culling, the burden falls on a smaller population pool to produce enough to support everyone.

This is already happening in many parts of the world. According to Reuters: China’s population grew at its slowest in the last decade since the 1950s as births declined, sowing doubt over Beijing’s ability to power its economy as it succumbs to the same ageing trends afflicting developed nations like Japan.

If population growth is really curbed, what will be necessary is open borders to allow workers to migrate freely.

rebbel's avatar

Thanks, @all, for your answers.
I read some views that I hadn’t thought of, and they helped me seeing it in a broader light.
Very helpful!

JLoon's avatar

But…If we start campaigning to stop people from making babies, it could lead to rules against recreational humping! So the planet stays cool and the bedrooms freeze??

Sounds like a slippery slope to me – And definitely no fun :p

zenvelo's avatar

@JLoon Texas is already there.

JLoon's avatar

@zenvelo – My theory is that politicians screw people with stupid laws because they’re afraid of real sex.

Texas is what you get when it all goes too far.

chyna's avatar

No humping? :-(

JLoon's avatar

@chyna – That’s right. Especially if you live in Godley.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Odd that in Republican conservative Texas, where they are so worried about a fetus (just not the end result of full term babies) so many people think climate change is fake. Or is it? Well, as long as I can pack my six guns and Winchester repeater to 7 / 11, who the hell cares about climate and the environment? An hombre has to set his priorities. And my woman can jist keep heself bare foot and pregnant at the wood stove, fixin’ my vittles and nursing them 9 babies.

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