General Question

Caravanfan's avatar

What is your opinion on vaccine mandates?

Asked by Caravanfan (14268points) September 20th, 2021

I’m not talking about the federal mandate. I’m talking about local requirements that you show a vaccine card before going to restaurants, sporting events, music events, etc.

And just to start off with my opinion—I think they should have done them months ago.

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54 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I like the idea. If a business wants to be able to stay open, have healthy employees and a paying clientele, it really makes sense.

Demosthenes's avatar

I don’t like them as I’ve expressed in many questions here. Wearing a mask is one thing, divulging medical information to eat out is another. My only hope is that they don’t become a permanent thing.

gorillapaws's avatar

Absolutely. The sooner we stamp out the virus, the sooner we get back to some semblance of normal.

@Demosthenes There are plenty of things you’ve always needed to show vaccination records for such as attending schools, employment and traveling abroad.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I hate that it’s necessary, but if I take my mom out to dinner (as a cancer patient), I’d like her to feel safe and comfortable while doing so.
With all the fake cards now, we’ll have to be validated somehow as well. I can see it turning into another big government mess in that aspect.

canidmajor's avatar

@Demosthenes You’re not really “divulging medical information” as much as you’re “divulging” measures taken to safeguard public health.
Like wearing shoes in a restaurant.
Don’t want to? Don’t go in.

cookieman's avatar

Sounds good to me. I do wish there was something less easily counterfeited than a paper card.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It is to protect the unvaccinated that are flooding the hospitals, not the vaccinated.

Some of the unvacccinated think it is to punish them. SMH

janbb's avatar

I’m all for it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

All for it.
Anti-vaxxers may have the right not to get the vaccine but they DONOT have the right to endanger others by them not getting the vaccine.
To anti-vaxxers stay home order take out and stay away from public until you wake up and want to join society and get the damn vaccine.

chyna's avatar

All for it. I liken it to donating blood and doing a good thing for other humans.
Now for my rant: It annoys me to no end that I have to be the responsible person by getting my vaccines, wearing masks, going to the grocery store at non-peak hours and avoiding restaurants because other people feel they don’t need to be vaccinated, to wear masks, to act responsibly.
@Demosthenes do you know anyone personally that has died from covid or even been very sick from covid? Did you get vaccinated?

Caravanfan's avatar

@chyna Which reminds me I have to sign up for donating blood again.

Caravanfan's avatar

@all Stop piling on @Demosthenes. He’s giving a reasonable opinion as there can be Constitutional objections to a mandate. I don’t happen to agree but I am willing to give up that little bit of personal privacy for the public good.

RocketGuy's avatar

Restaurants, etc. are not putting in your name + vaccination status into a database of any kind when you walk in, so the risk of disseminating your personally identifiable medical info will be very small. So revealing this bit of personal info is no big deal to me – I don’t see what the problem is.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

As far as I know there are no constitutional issues with local mandates. Compulsory vaccination is within states rights. Did that not happen for smallpox? My sister just got back from Germany. She tells me you can’t so much as go to a coffee shop without a vaccination card and leaving your info for contact tracing.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am in favor.

omtatsat's avatar

Its the ” state ” wanting to exercise more control over you.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

OH FOR FUCKS SAKES, @omtatsat really the state?
This is a fucking bad virus that kills people,and it’s infecting the entire PLANET, I have a hard time thinking it’s a evil conspiracy plan cooked up by the evil democrats to control people.
THE WHOLE PLANET is dealing with this virus, getting vaccinated not only protects YOU but people around you as well ,and MAYBE doesn’t overwhelm the health care system, and yes you can still get the variant but if you are vaccinated and catch it it wont at least kill you.

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes, because the State wants nothing better than to check asshole’s IDs at restaurants.

Kardamom's avatar

I am in favor.

jca2's avatar

I have no problem with them but in NYC, this past weekend, there was an issue where the hostess in a restaurant asked some tourists for their cards, and a fight ensued. What exactly happened is still being hashed out, but there were some calls for ending the “show your card” rule because they say it puts the burden on the restaurant employees, who are then open for abuse (verbal and physical). Maybe more police foot patrols would be helpful, but then this goes against the call for less police which was from summer of 2020.

canidmajor's avatar

@omtatsat You have it backwards. The “state” benefits from having businesses open and functioning. The “state” loses revenue when businesses close because employees sicken and die and can’t continue to pay taxes.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 I’d assume, again like a photo id for drinking alcohol, it will become normalized over time. That’s all we need is the few people who want to work getting abused.

product's avatar

As long as vaccines are completely free to the public and made equally accessible to everyone, I support vaccine mandates.

JLeslie's avatar

For restaurants I’m all for a restaurant doing whatever they want if the governments have no mandates. I wish we had vaccine mandates for restaurants here where I live for indoor dining, and I wish they would not seat more than 6 people together.

Especially, in cities like NYC and other very densely populated metropolitan areas I’m all for the city doing vaccine mandates for restaurants and other indoor venues and also mask mandates.

I hear my friends in TN complaining about NYC rules and I just tell them that I thought they were for “state’s rights and let New Yorkers worry about NY.” I don’t give a f&%k what someone in Germantown, TN thinks about a precaution NYC is taking.

I think cruise ships should be able to mandate whatever they want also.

I do think proof of antibodies and a negative antigen test can be a substitute, but for places like restaurants that’s too much work regarding customers.

As for confrontations like @jca2 mentioned, I don’t think any employees at stores or restaurants should be getting into arguments. If someone is an asshole just let them eat or call the authorities. I see the mandates in America as more of an expectation and not something anyone should risk getting into a scuffle with some idiot.

RocketGuy's avatar

@JLeslie – no, we don’t want virus-filled people in restaurants.

Caravanfan's avatar

@product makes an excellent point. If you had to pay for the vaccines then it’s extortion. If that were the case I’d have a much more difficult time with it. But it’s not—the vaccines are free.

JLeslie's avatar

@RocketGuy No what? I agree with that.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: RocketGuy makes a good point. If the hostess let’s the people who raise a fuss just eat anyway, without having the vaccine card, then the rest of the people (who had to show the card and support the mandate) will be upset, rightly so. Upset for having to adhere to a mandate that others don’t have to adhere to, and upset that they’re now eating in a restaurant that is unsafe because they’re allowing unvaccinated in. If they call the police, then it raises a commotion and the police might not arrive for a long time anyway, if they know it’s for something that’s not really an emergency.

This is what the restaurant staff are protesting – the rule is a good rule but unduly hard on the front line staff.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Most people will comply with the mandate without a fuss. The chance that the few people who cause a problem are actually sick and contagious at that moment is extremely small. I’m agreeing with you that it is unfair and actually dangerous for staff to get in a heated argument with a belligerent customer. The chance of catching covid from the customer might be much much lower than being hit by him. Who knows how unstable the person is.

They can tell the customer they can’t be seated, but if the customer gets out of control either the manager can take the risk of bouncing them out of the restaurant or they can seat the customer and call the cops if it’s difficult to handle.

Almost every case I have heard of restaurant superspreaders was people sitting at the same table or tables extremely close together.

We have breakthrough cases all over here. Vaccinated is not 100% protection, I would not go to a restaurant right now with a big group or where a restaurant is crowded even if everyone is vaccinated.

Poseidon's avatar

Although most people will disagree with you I do agree with you.

The whole idea of getting vaccinated against Covid is not just to protect the person having the jab but to protect all those around them.

It is a proven fact that allowing people to venues where there are a massive number who attend the number of Covid case rises dramatically and the vast majority of those passing the virus to others are those who have not actually been vaccinated.

The vast majority who are now being infected and unfortunately those who do die are those who have not had a single vaccine.

We all know that some have side effects but when we consider the 100s of millions who have died or had side effects are extremely low and there is no reason not to have the vaccination.

Scientists have said that the number of people who have had side effects of died are comparable to those who have had side effects or died from the flu vaccine and this is very, very, very low when we consider the millions who have the flu vaccine.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I agree with you about the chances of getting sick being small, and the chances of the people who don’t comply with the mandate being sick are small, but just letting you know that there will be pissed off people if they see some getting in without complying.

Last year on FB, at the height of the pandemic, there were people on FB talking about screaming at store clerks or people screaming at each other over not wearing the mask properly, not wearing the mask at all, not wanting to wear the mask, all kinds of crap. You know. Some people are really nuts about it. I’m laid back about it and would be one who is not overly concerned if I saw people in a restaurant who didn’t comply with a mandate, but some people are just off the rails. Then they’d next be posting on TripAdvisor and other social media about how the restaurant is not safe and they’re never going to eat there again. I see it as a lose/lose for the restaurant, either way.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I agree with everything you wrote. I think the screaming is dangerous if the person happens to be sick. They are throwing around the contagion farther than it would have gotten sitting in a corner.

None of it is perfect.

People who feel safe if everyone in a room is vaccinated are wrong with the current situation. I think it’s safer for sure, but still there is risk, especially if everyone in the room is older, which is my situation.

I think NYC should require a certain amount of space between tables, maybe they do.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think people need to get a fifth grade education in order to go in to a restaurant . . . !

Vaccine card also.

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chyna's avatar

It lessens the severity and keeps the majority of those who have taken it out of the hospital.

Caravanfan's avatar

@omtatsat Your statement is misleading and dangerously ill informed.

raum's avatar

In theory, I’m for having a vaccine mandate.

Though I’m concerned about who is responsible for enforcing it. I would not want my kid working at a place where they are responsible for enforcing it.

janbb's avatar

@raum I was thinking they should hire bouncers to do the checking but I’m not sure how easy that would be to implement.

raum's avatar

@janbb That’s a lot of bouncers!

janbb's avatar

@raum Maybe they could bounce from one place to another? :-)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Penguin that was lame.

But I laughed !

janbb's avatar

@Tropical_Willie It was lame. You must be a 4 year old if it made you laugh. :-)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@janbb several times that . . . :>0)

Strauss's avatar

Vaccination for other diseases (rubella, mumps, polio, smallpox, etc.) is currently required (with certain exceptions) in most states to attend school, public or private. Until this current pandemic is as controlled as the other diseases, I see no problem with extraordinary requirements.

(BTW, I’m getting my booster in Friday!)

Brian1946's avatar


How long since your last vax, and who was the provider?

My last one was April 21, and I’ve heard that the current recommendation is 6 months after for the booster.

Strauss's avatar

My last (2nd) jab was in March. I Googled “covid booster (insert zip code)” and found an online form that enabled me to schedule a booster jab at my local grocery/pharmacy. The provider of my original jab (Pfizer) was a local hospital during a vax event.

JLeslie's avatar

@Strauss No one in the US is still vaccinated for smallpox except select military and front line people. Take that off of your list. We haven’t been vaccinating children for smallpox since 1972. It’s the same in the world. It’s gone. Eradicated except for in lab storage.

Strauss's avatar

@JLeslie I guess I’m showing my age!

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SQUEEKY2's avatar

If it is deemed that I qualify or need the covid booster shot I will be there so fast you wont believe it.

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