Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

Does it seem that some people subconsciously believe that guns only hurt bad people, when they're used by good people?

Asked by Brian1946 (32749points) September 21st, 2021

Here are some posts that I read at Nextdoor:

“Man tried to get into my apt Sunday morning around 8:45am. I had my front door open with metal security door locked.
Single women are always targeted. I have a gun! The cop said call 911 if he comes around again and I thought I’m going to shot him first than call 911.”

2nd Amendment fetishist with impulse control issues:

“If you want some peace of mind, purchase a hand gun. Oh, and I don’t need to here all the gun haters out there.”

”...screw calling 911!!! It’ll be too late. Unfortunately this whole crime sh__t is out of control. People need to get vigilant, make a statement. It’s the sad truth.”

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7 Answers

kritiper's avatar

If people actually believed that, they probably don’t understand the rules of proper gunplay. And if you don’t understand the rules, you’re screwed no matter what.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

People who have more than a cursory knowledge of them do not think this way at all. They do not hate or worship them because they do understand them. Both of those positions are irrational and fear based.

Mimishu1995's avatar

The “gun hurts bad people” mentality was actually a reasoning of gun duelists back in the old time. In the early day of gun duelling, people actually preferred pistols with no rifling because they believed that God would only let the one in the wrong get hurt by the gun.

I thought people moved on from that mentality years ago…

SABOTEUR's avatar



I believe we have been systematically programmed to believe that guns are bad since the majority of what we hear about guns is associated with negativity and tragic incidents. It’s not surprising then that those of us who haven’t been raised around guns or know anyone that owns a gun would have a negative perception of gun ownership.

Personally speaking, I never gave gun ownership a thought until a few months before the pandemic when it occurred to me my home security system would do nothing to protect me if the alarm didn’t frighten intruders off. Only then did I decide to purchase a gun.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Too many kids die in their own homes to believe that.

Most of us have no issues with responsible gun ownership. In our area you’d be a fool not to have one as cops are few and County is slow. Bears and other wild animals pose as much of a threat as crackheads.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@KNOWITALL “Most of us have no issues with responsible gun ownership.” That’s my thing. I own some guns myself, I enjoy skeet shooting out going out to the range now and then. Expecting accountability does not make a person anti gun. People who don’t have enough sense to keep guns out of the hands of children and toddlers have no business owning a gun. Learn what a safe or a trigger guard is. These unnecessary tragedies are what piss me off.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Nomore_lockout I agree, as do most gun owners I know. And I’ll add, most here don’t support AK-47’s in Jim Bob’s truck either, as some would have you believe.

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