General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

How do I figure out the name of a font?

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) September 22nd, 2021

I found the font on a picture and I want to know the name of the it so I can use it for a tattoo.

Any help would be appreciated.

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11 Answers

janbb's avatar

Can you share an image of the font?

canidmajor's avatar

You’ve probably thought of it, but for things like this I just enter “list of fonts images” in Google. If I can narrow it (serif or not, stuff like that) I do.

Maybe a print shop would know by looking.

Can I ask what new ink??? Fun!

cookieman's avatar

This reverse font search should work:

Forever_Free's avatar

^^^^^^. what the cookieman stated. I have used it many times.

tinyfaery's avatar

Thanks @cookieman I couldn’t find the exact font but this really helped.

@canidmajor I am getting a few lines of a Bukowski poem on the outside of my forearm.

canidmajor's avatar

Lovely! I am due for another one soon.

Brian1946's avatar


What’s the viability of showing the picture to your epidermal artist?
If that is a viable option, it might be even better than naming the font.

Brian1946's avatar


It sure was- thanks for the catch! :p

cookieman's avatar

Excellent @tinyfaery. Good luck with the tattoo.

tinyfaery's avatar

@Brian1946 Because the picture only has so many letters and I need to know what the letters I’m using in my tattoo look like so that the font is consistent.

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