Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

What’s a topic you’re completely uninterested in?

Asked by Demosthenes (15401points) September 23rd, 2021 from iPhone

Maybe it’s something you’d be expected to be interested in because of who you are or your other interests. It’s something that whenever there’s a news story or a book or a discussion about it, you zone out and think “not this again”.

What doesn’t pique your interest?

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35 Answers

jca2's avatar

Anything about sports statistics, teams trading players, stuff like that.

Most car discussions are of little interest to me.

Discussions about designer handbags, designer jewelry, stuff like that is of little interest to me.

Celebrity gossip, for the most part, is of little interest to me, unless it’s one of the few celebrities that I like. I have zero interest in the Kardashians. Who won on American Idol or TV singing and dancing contest shows is of zero interest to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jca2 stolz my answer. Between her and Chyna I can just stay in bed!

It’s the bane of my existence that I’m married to a football freak. :/ Tyreek Hill runs 22 mph. (OK, it’s a joy to watch when he cuts loose!)
He also abused his pregnant girlfriend in college so I hate him.

rebbel's avatar

I would loooove to know nothing about Coldplay.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Football on TV.

However I was with a friend recently and he turned his TV on some Football Game and it wasn’t the game that interested me it was the behaviour that was hilarious.
The media zoomed in on some players and the referee and coach..and it wasn’t too hard to understand what they were mouthing….“F” this no “F” you and “F” this game and posturing making a show of their skinny arms as if real muscles…because the shoulder pads really make the
I now understand why men watch this intently.
It’s male rutting season.
They show what they “model” as the ideal manly man.
So hence more males hoot and holler obscenities as that is what a real man does right?
I had my male friend laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes…at my interpretation of what we were actually watching.
Well I was entertained not by that boring game but by looking deeper at what was being displayed.
In the end I also understand that the “F” in football is really “F***” Football

raum's avatar

So long as the person who is presenting the topic is engaging, I’d be down to discuss any topic really. :)

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Thirty years ago I’d have told you politics. Not true any more, and maybe it was apathetic people like I once was, who are partially to blame for the mess we’re in today.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Sorry for the double posts, no clue how that happened…?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever been to a sports bar when football is on? When there is a great play they literally sound like a tribe of chimpanzees hooting and hollering. Literally.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

A few times when Dallas was playing well. Yeah, I got swept up in the hooting and hollering. More so if I had a few to many in me. : ) These days I’d as soon stay home and watch a game. At least I can hear it.

Demosthenes's avatar

When I posted this question, the first thing I thought of was “sports” (and I admit, that is one that doesn’t interest me much either, despite most of my friends and family members being quite enthusiastically interested in at least one sport), although what actually prompted me to ask this question in the first place was the fascination with “end times” among the religiously-minded: the close-reading of religious texts to predict the date when the apocalypse will come, the claims of seeing the signs of it already, etc. It’s just never been a preoccupation of mine, as someone who is interested in most things religious and spiritual. It probably comes down to my personal philosophy on life in which I don’t and can’t get bogged down in worrying about some upcoming calamity; I know that others both fear and look forward to it. And it seems to be of particular interest in religious discussions online, but to be honest I don’t know too many believers in my personal life who are preoccupied with the “end times” either. So, for many reasons, I instinctively tune out when it becomes a topic of discussion.

I also just can’t seem to care much about economics. I do think it’s important and I am glad there are others who understand it well and can discuss the stock market and the ups and downs of the economy, but I fall asleep when it comes up.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Like @raum, I have interest in most topics generally speaking.

@Dutchess_III I used to hate football when I didn’t understand the game or terms. After an ex taught me, I’ve found interest in the talent more so than the actual game. And Tyreek is amazing, at least he likes a great team! :)

Demosthenes's avatar

@KNOWITALL There are certainly some topics I never thought I’d be interested in, but was surprised at how compelling they could be once I discussed them with people who really knew them and were enthusiastic about them. But then there are others that I just can’t…even after all these years. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh I understand football and how it works @KNOWITALL grew watching Monday Night Football with my dad. Joe Namath, saw the “old man” George Blanda kick that 50 yard field goal. I know the rules. I don’t mind the occasional game, but it takes over our lives every season and that is what I hate.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes That makes complete sense, we all are in a constant state of change.

Honestly, in relation to your post, I was so traumatized by end of times movies at church when I was younger, I don’t want to hear or talk about it at all usually. My mother and her friends love to talk about it and warn me, I even ordered her a Prophecy bible she wanted, but I tune out and leave.

@Dutchess_III Yes, I know what you mean. I don’t mind watching the Chiefs but I had to go to the bedroom the other night so I didn’t have to watch the Raiders. Ewwwww.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have to admit the Chiefs have been awesome the last 3 years, all because of that cutie Mahomes. And Tyreek.

Rick can tell you obscure stats about football players in 1965 BUT HE NEVER REMEMBERS MY BIRTHDAY!

Brian1946's avatar


You need a husband like @raum, who’d be happy to watch something you chose, as long as it was engaging. ;-)

Nomore_lockout's avatar

I will also second the OP in saying I never had an interest in economics, other than in the most rudimentary way. Just something that never grabbed me.

Brian1946's avatar

I like watching a lot of different sports, but I only talk about them when I know that the other person is also interested. However, I guess this post will be an exception to that. ;-)

I’ve exchanged PM’s with different jellies over the years, and not once have I ever asked, “How about those Raiders?!”

I enjoy watching tennis, but only the slam events, and usually only when at least one of the contestants is a woman of color. E.g., Naomi Osaka, Sloan Stephens, Coco Gauff, Leylah Fernandez, Emma Raducanu, etc. TBH, I get bored watching Caucasians.

A lot of business related issues bore me, especially when they involve products I know I’ll never buy, such as jewelry, cosmetics, firearms, fishing equipment- now that I’ve mentioned it, fishing bores me, and hunting annoys me.
However, I enjoy hunting stories when the hunted retaliates against the hunter. I actually enjoyed reading about a cape buffalo, who gored a hunter who murdered a member of the buffalo’s family.

Even though I was in the US Navy during the Vietnam War, most stories about US military endeavors bore me, especially the endless adulation of military members I see from most of the corporate US media.

gorillapaws's avatar

Chemistry. I was looking forward to it for years as a kid, and then was pretty let-down with the reality of it. Our school was broke, so we only got tiny eye-droppers of the various compounds, so the reactions were pretty underwhelming. It basically amounted to doing repetitive arithmetic with lots of rote memorization and what felt like zero creativity.

janbb's avatar


RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Mating habits of the titzy fly.

gondwanalon's avatar

@Inspired_2write FYI: There’s a lot of women that love football.

I use to love professional football. But over the years I’ve seen too many weird things happen. Professional football is all about money and entertainment. Therefore professional football is rigged (like professional wrestling and roller derby). It’s amazing to me that so many people think that it’s real. So gullible that they believe it when they see ball carriers slipping though a mass of defenders untouched; a great field goal kicker missing an easy fiel goal to lose the game; teams rallying in the last minutes of the 4th quarter and 3 goals behind to win the game; a team losing the Super Bowl because it’s quarterback nonchalantly tosses the football to the apposing team’s lineman and so many more unbelievable situations.

The awesome athletic performances and injuries are the only real aspects of professional football.

College football is real football.

Forever_Free's avatar

My ex. Completely uninterested.

Mimishu1995's avatar

To modify @raum‘s answer: So long as the person who is presenting the topic isn’t using it for some narcissistic purpose, I’d be down to discuss any topic really.

JLoon's avatar

Celebrity “news”. Sorry Nicki, Brad, Kanye, Kim, Cardi, Dwayne, Josh, Billie, Harry & Meghan… you’re trending but you all suck.

And politics. Yes. Even though I have shared my outrage on a few issues lately, I almost instantly regret it – and I rarely learn anything useful. Putting big money on the same level as free speech and ideas has turned almost everything counterfeit. Trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone who lets partisan politics define their whole identity is like talking to the walking dead.

Don’t tell me what side you’re on. I don’t want to know.

Brian1946's avatar


Oh no- not Dwayne! :( Which one? :p

JLoon's avatar

@Brian1946 – Any of them ;)

Brian1946's avatar


Oh Yeah?!
Well the ROCK is gonna serve you a glass of please, please follow my Twitter feed :( juice!

JLoon's avatar

@Brian1946 – Okay so now I’m sort of interested… But only ‘cos there’s TEQUILA involved! ;p

Brian1946's avatar


How does The Rock’s simpering request to follow him on Tweeter translate to Tequila?

Warning: Brian says that drinking TEQUILA might cause you to start referring to yourself in the third person! ;-o

Brian1946's avatar

Aha- are you implying that consuming Tequila drives one to grovel for Twitter followers? :0

Or: if this Dwayne dude is begging for Tweeters, then he’s drinking Tequila.
So even though you have zero interest in a sober DJ, you’ll hang with his unworthy ass to ensure that he doesn’t drink the whole bottle. :-D

Girly man that I am, I’ll drop in with some peach margarita mix, and party with my third of Johnson’s bottle.

Brian1946's avatar

Hmmm, perhaps you’ll find my inner lesbian appealing, once you’re flying the *Tequila Mockingbird. :P

*I had one of those, and Harper Lee was the bartender! ;-)

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@JLoon Agreed about the celebrities topic as well. I’ve met a few back in he day, wasn’t impressed. The only one I met whom I actually liked was Willie Nelson. Actually a nice friendly dude. Most of them are ass wipes.

tent's avatar

Complaints about football.

YARNLADY's avatar

Roblox, Minecraft, Sims or any PC game.

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