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elbanditoroso's avatar

John Hinckley (Reagan's would-be assassin) is being released. Good idea or bad idea?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) September 27th, 2021


He’s 66 years old – probably not a threat. And Reagan is dead.

Still, he tried to kill the president, and he was in a hospital for 30+ years – his verdict was not guilty by reason of insanity.

Is releasing him in 2022 a good idea?

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8 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

Let me check with Jodie Foster on that one. Her opinion matters more than mine.

zenvelo's avatar

He isn’t a threat. No need to keep him locked up anymore.

His obsession with Jody Foster did not mean he threatened her.

chyna's avatar

Although his obsession with Jodie Foster may or may not have meant he threatened her, her feelings of being stalked, threatened, or fearful for her life are nonetheless very real.

Dutchess_III's avatar

His behavior towards JF was threatening for her.

rebbel's avatar

If they give him a restraint order, and an ankle bracelet (both beneficial to Jodie Foster), then they can set him free (assuming he did his time).

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think he was unconditionally released. And he did 30 years.

jca2's avatar

He was staying with his mother since 2016 and his mother is now deceased.

The news just now said the Reagan Presidential Library released a statement saying they feel he is still a trheat and they hope that the Justice Dept. files an appeal.

@rebbel: on the news, they said that he will have zero restrictions starting in June of 2022. That means no ankle bracelet or any restraining order.

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