General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

What's the name of the OST (Original SoundTrack) that plays on this YouTube video?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) September 29th, 2021

The video is the following:

I tried getting the OST from the video description, but I can’t find it anywhere.

This is very important for me, so any help you can give me is much appreciated.

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9 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I get “video unavailable” for some unexplained reason.

luigirovatti's avatar

Corrected the link, sorry about that.

Zaku's avatar

You mean… the drum machine and soft synth keyboard notes playing doo be doo be doo in the background? If it even has a name, I’d tend to expect it to be something like “incidental background track 29 for [film name]”, best found in the credits for whatever anime that is. It sounds to me like it could even just be Microsoft Music or some similar program generating a random background base.

luigirovatti's avatar

Understood. The anime is “Case Closed”, in any case.

Zaku's avatar

Assuming this is the same “Case Closed” (?), I see 5 albums credited here: – a site which has links to samples of album tracks, so you might be able to find it there.

jca2's avatar

If you’re looking for song titles and artists, Shazam is a good app to use. When the song is playing, just tap Shazam and it will listen to the song and tell you title and artist.

luigirovatti's avatar

@Zaku: “Case Closed”, or, also called “Detective Conan” in Japan.

Zaku's avatar

@luigirovatti Right, so was that link I posted above, the correct list?

luigirovatti's avatar

@Zaku: No, the OST album referenced in the video music is Japanese.

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