Social Question

cookieman's avatar

Which household chore are you so good at that you could be successfully employed doing it, if you wanted to?

Asked by cookieman (41925points) September 30th, 2021 from iPhone

Inside the house/apartment, outside the house/apartment. Could be a more physical chore or involve more organization or dealing with outside agencies and such.

Bonus points if you actually enjoy doing this chore.

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33 Answers

cookieman's avatar

For myself, I used to always say house cleaning. For years, I would spend every Saturday scrubbing the inside of my house, from top to bottom, all day — and, I really enjoyed it. More recently though, I haven’t had the time to do that (or even the energy).

Now, I would say laundry. I am really good at sorting, pre-treating, washing, folding and such. And, I stay on top of it almost daily. I could easily be the best worker at a laundry-mat, or maybe even run my own.

JLeslie's avatar

Organizing a closet and folding everything so it looks like a boutique.

Vacuuming, only because I like it. I would think everyone can do that well if they have to do it.

Cleaning bathrooms. I know products that work well to remove soap scum and stains. I wouldn’t want to do the job for other people very much though. I wouldn’t mind as long as the bathroom isn’t too disgusting and it’s just surface leaning.

I seriously thought about making a business to shine stainless steel sinks and remove scratches. Years ago a man did that to a sink of mine and it was like new! I don’t know what product he used. I would market it to realtors or anyone selling their house. I still think it’s a good idea.

cookieman's avatar

That’s a great list of skills @JLeslie. I do color code my clothes on hangers by category, but my closet is far from resembling a boutique. That is impressive.

“I know products that work well to remove soap scum and stains.”

Ooh — I always struggle with my glass and metal shower stall. Whataya recommend?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Grocery shopping. Spam discovery. First aid. Interior organization.

Forever_Free's avatar

Several that I actually have been paid for also:

Private Chef
Pool Cleaning
Window Washing
Making the Bed

JLeslie's avatar

@cookieman If the shower doors have soap scum then Scrub Free is great. Don’t confuse it Soft Scrub, that is something else.

Scrub Free is a spray. Just spray it, wait 3 minutes, and wipe with a damp sponge. If you have thick soap scum you might have to do it twice to hit every area.

If it’s hard water stains I like Lemi Shine products. CLR works too, but I HATE the smell. I just stared using a product called Lime Away, jury is still out, I recently bought that spray. I have been using Lime Away toilet bowl cleaner and I think it’s working ok? I’ll know better in a month or two if I don’t get hard water stains building up.

chyna's avatar

@Forever_Free Will you marry me? :-)

janbb's avatar

Sitting in a cozy chair and reading a book!

kritiper's avatar

Vacuuming. But it takes a exceptional vacuum like the one I have to do it. (Compact Electra)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Absolutely none. I have made a point of not being good at housework, so that I would never be called on to do that sort of thing.

to the comment about being good at making a bed – what is the advantage or benefit of making a bed?

Forever_Free's avatar

@chyna you just want me to kill spiders.

janbb's avatar

^^ She wants you to cook too – as do I!

Forever_Free's avatar

@janbb I’ll set a couple extra placesettings

longgone's avatar

That’s an interesting question.

I’m good at walking dogs, in that I take them to fun places where they can run off-leash, while keeping everybody safe.

I also (you’ll be happy to know) make pretty good chocolate chip cookies. I truly think I could sell them around here. Germans are so starved for soft cookies that they’ll pay almost three dollars for a single cookie at Starbucks or whatever. I could make a whole batch for that amount of money!

Demosthenes's avatar

Either vacuuming or landscaping. I happen to actually enjoy both. :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Just great cooking. I make everything from scratch when possible, and can or dry garden items for the pantry.
I put up several jars of dry-roasted sunflower seeds as my new project this year.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Repairs. Electrical, plumbing, drywall, carpentry, appliances, landscaping, roofing….etc
I can cook great as well.

cookieman's avatar

Great answers everyone. Ya know, this got me thinking that if we started a Fluther commune, we’d do pretty well. ;^)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@cookieman I’d love to live that way before I die, even if it was just a year or so. My hippie aunts and uncles always told me how much I’ve missed out on, being such a capitalist and conformist. haha!

chyna's avatar

I’ll help walk all the jellies dogs in our commune with @longgone.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@chyna My husband and I will do guard duty and work the garden! He can grow anything.

janbb's avatar

I’m a baker and an artist! I can do both for the collective!

smudges's avatar

I’d be a great supervisor! >;^0

cookieman's avatar

This commune is really coming together now. Such a diversely skilled bunch of Jellies.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@smudges Thank goodness, that job stinks haha!

We need a storyteller, musician and poet too! (That’s the best part in my imagination.)

smudges's avatar

@KNOWITALL Oh. Ummm….well I was kinda hoping it would get me out of doing anything. hehehe

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KNOWITALL's avatar

@smudges Maybe camp counselor or sage?!

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I saw somewhere in a magazine once, they had a tip about cleaning the bathroom sink. After you clean it, rub it with car wax and it will shine and stay cleaner, longer. I wonder if it works for kitchen sinks too?

smudges's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’d be a good camp counselor- degree in psych and know the words to “Kumbaya”!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@smudges Meant to be! :D

smudges's avatar

@KNOWITALL I look forward to your garden goodies!!

omtatsat's avatar

Cleaning the ” S ” bend in the toilett

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