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janbb's avatar

How can I find out my blood type?

Asked by janbb (63346points) September 30th, 2021

I feel like I should know but I’m really not sure. I asked at my doctor’s office and they said they don’t usually test for that in an annual exam. It’s not on my driver’s license where it would seem it should be. Am I missing something?

(I think I’m a B+ but I really don’t know.)

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16 Answers

kneesox's avatar

When I donated blood one time, I got a little card that had my blood type on it: O+. Romantically, I was a little disappointed to be so ordinary, but was reassured that having a common blood type is a good thing.

chyna's avatar

When you go to get your annual blood work, ask the person taking your blood to type it.
Or donate your blood.

canidmajor's avatar

Donate, they’re delighted to tell you and you get cookies and juice!

chyna's avatar

They give out Little Debbie cakes at our Red Cross.

JLeslie's avatar

If you had any recent surgery it likely would be in your blood word if you have the lab work handy.

You can certainly ask your doctor to add it to blood work or probably go to any Quest Lab and self pay. Actually, with Quest you usually create the order and pay online and make the appointment. Most of their regular tests are about $40 depending on the test. I assume they do blood type. They also do, iron, cholesterol, vitamin D, many common tests.

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Brian1946's avatar

Like @kneesox, when I donated blood, they gave me a card that shows my blood type, which is A+.

I keep the card in folder titled “Medical Records”.

So if you’ve ever donated blood, perhaps you still have the card.

Or, if you’ve kept the results of any of your blood tests….

janbb's avatar

I haven’t donated blood for a long time since I fainted and don’t have a card. And when I asked the nurse in the doctor’s office, she said they don’t do that as part of blood work. This is the problem. Perhaps if I ask next time I have blood work they will check for it. (Asking my parents would be a whole ‘nother problem.)

jca2's avatar

If you have the card from when you last donated blood, the card would indicate it, @janbb.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 As I said above, I don’t have any card. It was probably 40 years ago.

@JLeslie Thanks. If I can’t find it out as part of my next blood work, I’ll go that route. I’m not in a rush, I just think I should know.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb I doubt doctors would just take a patient’s word unless it was a completely desperate situation. You might want to ask a doctor before you spend the money unless your curiosity is so strong you just want to do it.

Poseidon's avatar

You can ask your doctor to supply your blood group as the surgery should have it.

If you give donate blood you can ask those taking you blood for.

You can also buy a kit which will give you your blood type. Simply do a Search Engine search and type in blood ‘blood testing kit’

You can obtain a kit from Amazon if you wish which comes with instructions of course.

tedibear's avatar

@janbb – I, too, was a fainter at blood donation. The second to last time I donated I warned them I was likely to faint. The person taking my blood told me that I should be flat instead of sitting up. Worked like a charm! I didn’t pass out that time or the next. Not looking at my arm they used to take the blood, or anyone else’s, helped too.

I say this in case you want to use blood donation as a way to find out your blood type. Otherwise, I go with those who have said to ask for it with your next medical blood draw.

jca2's avatar

I would think if you ever had blood work done for a pre-surgery physical, they’d have to know your blood type because they’d need to know in case you needed emergency blood due to surgery complications.

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