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SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Why are we pretending that “Build Back Better” is an American agenda?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) October 2nd, 2021 from iPhone

Our politicians keep using the phrase “Build Back Better.” They keep calling it an American agenda.
This phrase stems from the World Economic Forum and almost all “global leaders are using that phrase.”:

The same global corporations who are partnered with the WEF and calling for a Great Reset are arguably the same corporations who have historically put profits ahead of all else.

Why are our politicians pretending like this is not a global agenda and should we trust the same corporations who many would say are destroying the earth to suddenly fix it?

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9 Answers

omtatsat's avatar

The politicians are like parrots. Teach them to say something and they never shut up!

Lightlyseared's avatar

In the words of Greta “Blah, Blah, blah”

seawulf575's avatar

It is assumed that most people are idiots and they will not catch on to the global efforts behind “Build Back Better”. It should be noted that the Biden effort never really did lay out exactly what he wanted to do. He used the catch phrase as an offset to “Make America Great Again”. It assumes that everything President Trump did was horrible and we need to correct it all. The problem with that assumption is that it never really does address what was wrong or why it was wrong.

JLoon's avatar

The Davos Rich Boy Retreat has always been problematic in terms of projecting a positive image.

But the Build Back Better slogan actually originated in 2015 at the United Nations, as a strategy for disaster relief and infrastructure inmprovement in developing countries. The current administration in Washington adapted some of the program and borrowed the slogan from the UN – not the WEF.

Whether it’s an “American agenda” or not, what really matters is if it works.

YARNLADY's avatar

We know it’s a world wide plan, there is no “pretending” involved. It’s a great idea. Go for it!

omtatsat's avatar

Whatever happened to ” make America great again”? Has that expired already?

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SquirrelEStuff's avatar


Who is “we?” Most of the people I talk to have no clue that it is a global agenda. Our politicians sure don’t put that out there.

Most of the corporations who are partnered with the WEF are the largest corporations in the world.

Why on earth do you trust that they are actually going to do the right things?

Blackrock and Vanguard are two of the biggest backers of the WEF and are practically “too big to fail” at this point.

My question to you is would you be ok with this if a republican was in power?

YARNLADY's avatar

@SquirrelEStuff I am referring to the “we” in the original question.

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